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Restrictions on Owning a Sugar Glider in New Mexico

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Restrictions on Owning a Sugar Glider in New Mexico

Restrictions on Owning a Sugar Glider in New Mexico. Sugar gliders are exotic pets that are becoming very popular. These small marsupials are illegal in some states. New Mexico's exotic pet law considers individual animals, not entire species. Prospective owners are also checked out by New Mexico law.

Reasons for Restrictions

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish restricts owning exotic pets because of the potential for disease, overpopulation and public safety risks if the animal is released in the wild.


Prospective owners must have a permit to own exotic pets such as the sugar glider. An application must be filled out that provides information on veterinarian, supplier, and proof that the person's county and city allows exotic pets.


Sugar gliders are wild animals. They are not domesticated like cats and dogs. Many of them are taken from their natural habitats to become pets. Find an accredited sugar glider breeder and purchase babies for pets.


  • New Mexico Game & Fish: Apps & Permits