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Can Grasshoppers Survive Indoors?

28 13:58:57

Can Grasshoppers Survive Indoors?

Can Grasshoppers Survive Indoors?. Grasshoppers can survive indoors either on their own or as house pets. In fact, Japanese children keep grasshoppers as a hobby and build them their own custom cages. You can even get some exotic species in pet stores.

Grasshoppers are low maintenance pets.


You can keep your pet grasshopper in a small, handmade straw cage, or you could just put him in a regular aquarium with some gravel on the bottom. Grasshoppers feel most comfortable in warm weather and like to have an area to bask in the sun or under a heat lamp.


Feeding your grasshopper is very easy because grasshoppers eat plants and grass. Your grasshopper can live primarily on grass that you pull up from your yard with an occasional leaf or flower to nibble on. Grasshoppers are not interested in eating other bugs or any kind of animal product; they are strict vegetarians.


You need to provide your grasshopper with water in the form of a wet cotton ball. Grasshoppers aren't very smart and can accidentally drown if you put a water dish in their enclosures. Instead, offer your grasshopper a wet cotton ball or cloth to sip on. Make sure the water source stays wet.


  • A - Z Animals: Grasshoppers
  • Greenville School: Great Grasshopper Facts