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Herbal Supplements For Women’s Health

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Whether you’re a man or a woman, in an ideal world a perfectly balanced diet would provide every individual with the nutrients he or she needs to be happy and healthy. But in the real world, most people are lacking in some of the nutrients, including essential vitamins and minerals, that keep our bodies running smoothly.

With menstruation, childbearing and menopause, women face unique physical challenges that can have an added impact on their health and the amount of nutrients their bodies readily absorb.

Fortunately, dietary supplements can help many women make up for the nutrients they’re missing. Knowing which supplements are best for you isn’t always a simple task. The following list highlights a few of the supplements that can be most helpful for women facing specific health issues and conditions.

�Depression - Omega-3 fatty acids: Low levels of these acids may reduce the levels of serotonin in your brain, resulting in mood swings and feelings of depression. Available in oily fish and other foods, omega-3 fatty acids can also be taken as a supplement, and are often advised to aid in memory and cognitive (learning) activities. The most common omega-3 supplements are fish oil capsules or tablets.

�Insomnia - Melatonin: This compound is naturally released at night, encouraging your body to sleep. But as we age, our levels of natural melatonin decrease, meaning it becomes more difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. Jet lag and light interference can also cause melatonin levels to drop.

�PMS - Chasteberry, or Vitex: When pain and discomfort strike as a result of PMS, supplements derived from this dried berry may help you get some much needed relief. Research indicates Vitex works on receptors in your brain which normally help you deal with discomfort, but which switch off just before menstruation. By flipping those receptors back on, researchers say Vitex helps ward off the discomfort you may feel during PMS.

�Anxiety - Valerian: Used for centuries to calm frayed nerves, valerian is still used today to combat feelings of anxiety and nervous tension. The plant is believed to act on acids released in the brain, preventing them from breaking down and keeping you in a calmer, more serene mood as a result.

�Headache - Feverfew: Oils in this daisy-like plant may help prevent your brain from releasing chemicals that cause inflammation that can lead to headaches, including migraine headaches. Individuals allergic to ragweed may also be allergic to feverfew, so check with your specialist before taking feverfew if you think you may be allergic.

�Urinary tract infection � Cranberry: UTIs are the second most common infection in women today, and compounds in cranberries can help coat your urinary tract, preventing harmful bacteria from adhering to it. Some research indicates cranberry may also alter bacteria, making it less likely to be harmful.

�Allergies � Butterbur: Extracts and oils from this plant help keep histamines from becoming active when allergies strike. Look for supplements that are free of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA-free) to avoid potential liver reactions.

�Joint pain � Soy: Soy contains isofalvones, which may play a role in inflammation that causes joint pain. Studies have shown that regular use of this supplement can significantly reduce joint pain in women.

�High blood pressure/weight loss � Green tea: Chock full of antioxidants, green tea keeps harmful free radicals at bay, preventing certain types of cellular damage from occurring. Studies also indicate this supplement can aid in cardiovascular health, and it effectively revs up the metabolism, helping the body burn more fat, more efficiently.

�Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) � Bifidus: You may have heard of this compound in yogurt commercials. By restoring a natural balance of healthy bacteria to your intestine and gut, this supplement has been linked with a significant reduction in pain associated with IBS, especially when taken in conjunction with lactobacillus. Be sure to look for supplements offering live, active cultures.

�Yeast infection � Lactobacillus acidophilus: And speaking of lactobacillus (or �l-bac�), this �friendly� bacteria is also an excellent aid in thwarting yeast infections. Normally residing in your urogenital tract, lactobacillus keeps harmful pathogens at bay. But their healthy balance may become disrupted as a result of certain medications or illness. Taking additional l-bac can help restore the balance that allows these bacteria to thrive and ward off infections.

�Meopause � Black cohosh: This plant-derived substance has been used for centuries in Europe for treating hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause. Some studies have also indicated that black cohosh may increase levels of serotonin in the brain, thereby helping ward off feelings of depression.

This is by no means a complete list of the supplements which can aid in maintaining good health for women. Your vitamin store can provide additional guidance in selecting the supplements that are best for you and your health needs.