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Fish Oil Pills - Mother Natures Wonder Drug

28 8:53:14
Do not think that the fish oil craze is going to die anytime soon. It has been around for years, and as more people get to realize that fish oil is good for their body, fish oil supplements will live on.

What's Up with Them, Anyway?

A lot of studies conducted over the years reveal the many benefits of including fish oil in your diet. This is because of its special fatty acids called DHA and EPA. They can

1. Improve your cardiovascular health. One of the leading causes of death all over the world is heart attack. Worse, most of the sufferers would never know that they have this illness, not until they already found themselves holding on to dear life.

DHA can help reduce the LDL or the bad cholesterol in your blood, which is one of the main culprits for the cardiovascular disease. When they build up around your arteries and blood vessels, they clog the passageway.

It becomes a lot harder for the heart to pump blood, and thus the organ has to work double time. When it gets tired, that is where you can experience chest pains.

Though you cannot bring down your bad cholesterol level, you can increase HDL or good cholesterol by taking in fish oil. The good cholesterol will then remove the clog.

2. Prevent inflammation. Who says you have to be totally dependent on pain killers and medications? You will only suffer from side effects. What you can do to reduce the pain or the inflammation is to take fish oil.

EPA has an ability to alter the inflammatory responses of your body. It does not only relieve you from the pain, but it also prevents swelling and inflammation from happening again. This is also the reason why fish oil is advised to those who have cystitis and arthritis.

3. Develop your child's brain. This is for moms-to-be. Whether you are pregnant or you are planning to be one, it is important that you start taking fish oil supplements as early as possible.

Fish oil will become responsible to the proper development of your baby in your womb as well as when he or she grows up.

Babies who are born from or breast-fed by mothers who are into omega 3 fish oil supplements are less susceptible to dyslexia. They are also more attentive, quick learners, and smarter than the other kids of their age.