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Diet And Health Starts In The Kitchen

28 8:54:57
One of the first places to look when it comes to a healthy diet is the kitchen. Almost 100 if necessary. Moving down to the fruit and vegetable bins, these most often are not filled with a variety of those, or they contain other items like beer, cheese, and leftovers. Not an example of what a healthy dieter needs to weight loss or to maintain good health. Here's what a typical refrigerator contains from someone practicing a healthy diet: Organic skim milk, Rice Milk, Skim Soy Milk, a water pitcher (with filter), Famer's 12-grain bread, Organic jelly, Organic peanut butter, Organic caged-free eggs, Orange Juice (not from concentrate), low-fat cheese, fish, chicken-breasts, oranges, grapefruits, apples, pineapple, strawberries, blackberries, cranberries, mushrooms, onions - yellow and red and green, red-leaf lettuce, cabbage, celery, carrots, spinach, broccoli, tofu, beans.

Here's what a typical cabinet contains from those with a healthy diet: organic wheat pasta, organic natural pasta sauce, clams, crab meat, Oatmeal, wheat germ (refrigerate after opening), milled flaxseed (refrigerate after opening), Organic honey (unheated and unpressed), sweet potatoes, tomatoes, squash, bananas, organic cereal (healthy variety), wheat crackers, some protein bars, rice cakes, meal-replacement powder (used for a healthy snack).

I'm sure I'm forgetting some things as this is memory of my own kitchen. I eat a lot of Oatmeal, lean meats (although the case can be made to avoid all beef products and possibly poultry, I still consume chicken breasts because I'm not good at eating beans), some pasta (don't consume too much carbs at one time), sandwiches made with healthy bread, and lots of egg whites with only 1 yolk often as an omellete with lots of veggies and tomato served with a slice of toast and a small amount of the organic jelly; skim milks, and protein shakes that contain nutrients from a variety of fruits and vegetables (link below). I do snack on the organic peanut butter at times with just a tablespoon by itself, sometimes Almond Butter. Of course, all the typical condiments and spices are also present in my kitchen.

A healthy diet is not difficult to follow. It is more difficult to avoid the tens of thousands of products and food items that are not healthy. The diet that is healthy has plenty to choose from but wouldn't take all day to list those items. On the other hand, it would take weeks to go through all of the items that don't support good health (reports estimate 320,000 different consumables are available - from The Way To Eat, Marion Nestle).

Weight loss is achieved through a healthy diet, and of course, exercise regularly. Start on your weight loss plan and build a healthy lifestyle. Diet and exercise can help reduce the risk of degenerative diseases like heart disease and stroke, diabetes and cancer. Learn why eating fruits and vegetables are especially important, and how you can benefit from adding Juice Plus+ to your diet. You can also get the Juice Plus+ Complete meal-replacement shake as mentioned above (Vanilla is the flavor I use).

Dr. J. Patrick Havey
The Health & Wellness Institute, DC PC