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Best Foods For Younger Skin

27 18:30:17
Lettuce and tomatoes, for instance are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to our skin. However, this is marred by the oily and greasy cooking process, not to mention the team up with other fatty ingredients. Potatoes are great for our skin. But when subjected to oily cooking process, most of its benefits are gone.

There is no question as to the benefits of green leafy vegetables to the body. But to make it more concrete, this actually contains abundant supply of antioxidant. In this day and age, we are exposed to a lot of things that can trigger the oxidation process of our body. When that happens, it results to the appearance of harmful free radicals.

You can also find natural skin care lines that act as food for healthy skin. Many of today's effective skin care products contain important antioxidants like vitamins c & e and Co Enzyme Q10. Your healthy skin will benefit from the right vitamins and nutrients and your skin care can help.

CoQ10 should not be left behind on your search for foods for healthy skin because it is an intensive source of skin antioxidants preventing premature wrinkles and deep lines to appear. CoQ10 is actually a natural occurring substance in our skin but we need supplements from skincare products because we tend to produce less of this substance as we grow older.

Lots of fresh fruits such as: apples, apricot, kiwi, avocado, banana, orange, peach and berries Vegetables such as: spinach, broccoli, lettuce, artichoke, soy products and high fiber foods. Sea food such as fish will provide you with lots of omega 3 fatty acids that are essential for healthy skin. Look for fish such as mackerel, salmon, and tuna. Flaxseed oil and olive oil will also provide you with lots of Omega-3 fatty acids.

The natural skincare products contain cynergy TK that is an extract from sheep wool. These are abundant in protein called keratin that helps the body to secrete collagen. The ingredient is the coenzyme Q10 that is rich in vitamin E. These products have antioxidants in them that naturally have a curable effect. Anti oxidants are most important to fight against the harmful rays of the sun.

Skin cells contain a blueprint for the production of collagen and although they may stop production they don't forget how to make this vital protein. The best food for healthy skin is that which stimulates collagen production once again. Collagen is one of the major components of skin and helps provide strength and elasticity.

The mineral selenium plays a key role in the health of skin cells. Studies have shown that skin damaged by the sun may suffer fewer negative effects if selenium levels are high. The food for healthy skin can be found in food like whole-wheat breads and cereals, brazil nuts, turkey and tuna.

Green Tea - Green tea is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that counteract the effect of aging and reduce chances of getting skin cancer due to over exposure to the harmful UV rays of the sun.

Fatty Oil Fish - Salmon ,tuna and other fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids are also very good for the skin as they help in maintaining the elasticity of the skin and also give it the ability to heal itself