Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > Fish dying in my pond

Fish dying in my pond

25 9:51:07

Hi I was wondering if you could give me some advice. I recently bought a preformed pond for my garden."days after it was up and running I bought 5 small gold fish all different colors at 99p each.I also bought 3 oxygen plants for the pond.I followed the instructions on the fish bag while introducing the fish to the pond.The fish initially look like they were doing great. However 12 hours later one of the fish was dead. The other 4 still looked ok. But 4 hours after the first one had died a second one died. Is there something wrong with my pond? should i remove the remaining fish? is there anything I can do?

thank you

Dear Sarah,

Sad to hear fish are not doing well.
I do not have sufficient information, however some things can be of an issue:
size: when you have a very small pond it is important to create places where fish can hide.
Also the pond can not be in warm sunlight.

Other is you best use tapwater and leave it for some days without the fish to adjust. Only aeration is neccessary.
You can buy also products like from Tetra that are used to get water suited for fish.

Can you give more info on size, placement, ...
It also can be that the fish where to weak or already somewhat sick.

good luck!