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HelloDo hand-fed cockatiels...

23 10:35:33


Do hand-fed cockatiels make good pets?

How long do they live?

If I had more then one would they perfer each other and not bother with me?  

Sorry it took me a couple of days to answer. I was out of town working and not able to get to a computer.

Hand fed cockatiels make wonderful pets. They are loving, loyal, entertaining, and affectionate if cared for properly. They should also live to be about 18-20 years old. Unfortunately, most die much younger because their owners do not take the time to REALLY learn about the proper size caging, diet and safety for them. I would suggest that you do alot of reading on the net and maybe pick up some issues of Bird Talk magazine before you ever get your first bird. Do not just take the advice of a local pet shop or discount store. You may find a few folks in those places that are knowledgeable but I very rarely do.

If you want a cockatiel or other bird that is going to really be a pet, then you want to start with just one. If you have more than one they will most certainly enjoy the company of each other more than yours. I have several who are all great pets but they each have their own cage and each gets lots of individual attention every day.

Good luck to you!
