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african grey 0-2 weeks

23 10:23:12

QUESTION: I'm still researching the possibility of hand raising an African grey from egg. I've loved my aunts bird for many years and do to an unfortunate dog incident she now has 3 eggs and no mommy. We've scoured borders and the Internet, and have found no information on 0-2 weeks without a mom. Do you know of any immediate sources that I could access? Babies (if they come) are coming soon and we'd like to be prepared. Daddy? will he participate now that the eggs have been in an incubator?
ANSWER: Hi, Katrina.  Thanks for posting!

What a sad situation.

No, daddy will not participate since you've removed the eggs to an incubator.  You'll need to do everything yourself without daddy's help.

I'm a bit confused as to what information you need.  Are you looking for information on handfeeding and caring for just hatched baby parrots?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes, I've read several books and they all have very clear "directions" about raising a parrot from 2-5 and 6-12 weeks. I found nothing specific for a newly hatched baby. My question specifically is if you are aware of any resources to aide me starting at birth? Maine as a whole doesn't have a plethora of human resources and I'm getting nervous. Thank you

Hi again, Katrina.

The only resource I know off hand is a book called "Handfeeding and Nursery Management" by Rick Jordan.  Good book.  You can learn some things from my website, the section on handfeeding:

Be aware that just-hatched baby parrots are difficult to handfeed until they grow a little bit.  They need to be handfeed every couple of hours (or more often) 24 hours a day for at least the first week (yes, even during the night), then at least 4 times per day until they wean.  You'll need to keep them in the incubator for warmth and humidity or a suitable brooder until they are feathered enough to keep themselves warm, etc.  My website will tell you the type of handfeeding formula you should purchase, and you'll need various sizes of handfeeding syringes.  If you don't have any experience handfeeding baby parrots, you'll need to learn this ASAP.  There's information on the internet, and I've included some information on my website about how to do this.

I'm sure you'll have lots of questions, and I can help!  I've handfed baby parrots for over 18 years.
