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Orchard vs. Alfalfa

21 9:09:52

I just recently switched our 24 yr old to all Orchard I heard it was better, I also have a 6 yr old on half and half I was told she needed the nutrition from the alfalfa is this true? I also feed them oat hay pellets, they think its a treat/big deal. The 24yr's poop is real dark almost black is this normal after a switch?

Dear Rozalin,

It is hard for me to say whether orchard is better for your horse, better than what?  As for the 6 years old again I can not be sure based on what you say in your post.  Who advised you to feed her alfalfa?  What symptoms lead the person to feel she needed more nutrition?  Chances in manure are not uncommon after diet changes but again as I don't know what you were feeding before I can not say for sure whether I would expect the manure to be darker.

If you can provide me with more details and specifics about your horses situations I will be able to better assist you.

best regards,

Clair Thunes, PhD
Independent Equine Nutritionist,
Equilibrate Equine Consulting,