Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Australian Shepherds > NEW Aussie

NEW Aussie

19 14:44:39


I just lost my male red tri, he was hit by a car and died almost instantly. I would like to get another. I have already a dominant female mini. Can we add another female? Or should I get another Male?

I would get a more submissive male, perhaps a puppy.  It's usually a safer bet.  Adult dogs are generally tolerant of puppies between the ages of 8 weeks and 5 months.  Opposite gender and an age spread usually work in your favor.  The primary concern in this breed, aside from gender and age, is to get a healthy dog, and from a reputable source, due to the high incidence of epilepsy, hip dysplasia, and eye problems.  Consider buying from a breeder that participates in the Ask-Tell program.