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puppy size question

19 14:44:23

We adopted an Aussie puppy March of this year.  He looked average size for a puppy his age when we took him home, but now at 5 months old, and 22 pounds, I am starting to question how large he will get.  Many people I have talked to say he looks small for his age.  Is this a normal weight for our puppy, or could he be a Mini-Aussie.  Thanks

The Australian Shepherd breed standard says "Preferred height at the withers for males is 20 to 23 inches; that for females is 18 to 21 inches, however, quality is not to be sacrificed in favor of size", so the answer to your question is that he may be small, but probably will still be considered within normal range as an Aussie. In any case, as the owner of a dog that comes from classic working lines, barely makes 19" and weighs 30 pounds at age 2 1/2, I can identify with you thinking your dog is small. My little red merle girl was pretty light, too, and didn't really fill out until she reached age 2.  All that energy burned the calories off fast!! My guess is that your pup will be within normal range. The general rule of thumb with moderately sized dogs is to take what the pup weighed at age 14 weeks and double it.  So even if he was only 15 pounds then, he'd end up at 30 and be within the normal Aussie range.