Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > female canine acting very strange....

female canine acting very strange....

18 17:09:59

We just cant figure her out!  Our 5 1/2 year old shepherd/retriever mix is driving us crazy, she is acting very needy, climbing on us, laying in the bathroom or closet, always under our feet.  This has been going on all week.  Any ideas what she is trying to tell us?  Or is there something more to this behavior?

Dear Pia,
Thanks for the question. Without taking a complete history, it's near impossible for me to take a stab at guessing why your girl is acting very strange.

Has anything in her environment recently changed? different schedules? added a new pet? lost a pet? different food? moved to a new home?  

How is her appetite? are her stools consistent? has there been an increase in water intake?

Any sudden change in behavior that does not coincide with an external change is a flag for a medical issue. Have your vet check her out!