Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > 7 month old male rottweiler and 5 year old staffordshire bull terrier

7 month old male rottweiler and 5 year old staffordshire bull terrier

18 17:09:54

hi i have a 7 month old male rottweiler and a 5 year old staffordshire bull terrier male living together both are un-neutered.. they get on great, but am just wondering will i have problems with them fighting etc.. in the future.... i want to know now whilst i have the opportunity to sort the situation out if i needed too...
many thanks..
kind regards..

My guess is YES! If not registered and perfect dogs, neuter immediately. My Staffordshire killed a cow, and two other dogs before I had to have him put to sleep. I could not take the chance of him killing or mauling a child. My neighbor is going through it with his rotties and staffordshires right now and they are a 6 year old, a yearling, and an 8 months old. He has already spent over $2000 in vet bills and is looking for a good no kill shelter to take them. Your rottweiler may be a good if not great dog, he is young and he will be a one man dog. Neuter him and take him to obedience training...but consider the problems you may face with the Staffordshire. Hope this helps. Sorry to have to tell you such raw facts. Susan