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Dog messing in the house

18 16:50:45

Hi my puppy missi is almost 11 mnths old, she has been a text book puppy since i have had her, she was toilet trained very easily, and has been a pleasure ever since, however over the past three weeks she has started messing in the house, we have a loarge kitchen and she sleeps on one side but has started messing over the other side, the kitchen is clean and washed out daily if not more, we have taken her out before bed, told her off etc etc please help x

Hi Sam

You must get her checked by a vet - any new change in behaviour should be checked for medical causes before being treated behaviorally.

Don't tell her off for messing indoors, she can't help it.  no dog which is house trained would choose to do this so she will be upset about it just like you are!  Last thing at night stay outside with her to make sure she has been.  Have you changed her diet , the amount you feed, or the amount/time of her exercise - this would affect how much she has to drink and when, which may make her need to eliminate at different times.

Always try to find the reason for a behaviour problem, don't blame the dog!
