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Possessive aggresion

18 16:46:18

Our family has a very fun loving, 6 year old beagle named Zoe.  She is a really friendly dog and very tolerant..even with small children.  Her problem is when she "steals" one of my girls socks..usually already worn socks.  She gets very possessive and when we approach her to retrieve the sock, she can become aggressive-growl, show her teeth etc. It seems like she is threatened even more by my attempt, I'm the man of the house.  What's the best approach?

Hi Dave

The best approach is to try to ensure she never gets hold of the socks (sounds obvious but does avoid the confrontation in the first place!)

If she gets hold of one, ignore her and instead go get some really tasty treats (or go to her food if she is very greedy) and make a big deal out of it.  Sit near her (ignoring her) and she will hopefully want what you have (or at least be curious).  If not you can always drop some food by her.  This way she will leave the sock and get the food.  I suggest not trying to remove the sock from her (you will have to be prepared to buy new socks!).  This way you are teaching her that you are not a threat and you are not going to take her 'treasure' so she doesn't need to guard it.

As she relaxes (over time) you will find you can take her sock away, especially if you exchange it for a treat.  You have got into a situation where she is feeling threatened, she is probably a bit scared of you if she senses she is in trouble and predicts a confrontation.

Be very careful and ensure your children are always kept safe - don't take for granted that she hasn't bitten yet.
