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Puppy Training � Bring Home A Crate To Housebreak Your Puppy

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If you have brought home a young dog or puppy, then you need to know how to housebreak your puppy. Something that you just cannot agree with is your pup eliminating or discharging waste a number of times in different corners of your house. Expect possible damage to precious furnishings and carpets at home. Even though you may get angry over your pet, have perseverance and introduce him to a crate.

Puppies usually have no control over their excretory organs. Whenever they feel the need to discharge waste matter, they do so by targeting certain objects near them. Hence, it is advisable to bring home a crate to overcome this habit. When you shop for a crate, look for one of wire mesh in perfect size to accommodate your tiny pet. Also, make sure it is small, leaving no corner to excrete.

Keep your puppy inside the crate initially for a short period, until he is fully accustomed to it. Take him to the backyard frequently and allow passing of urine and stool. If it discharges waste matter there, lavishly praise him. Never mind if the puppy does not excrete there. Take your puppy back to his crate. Follow this routine at regular intervals. By doing this, you may soon know the daily toilet schedule of your dog.

The idea behind keeping your puppy confined to the dog crates is to help him to housebreak or train to live cleanly in your house. Over time, your puppy is likely to develop the habit of retaining feces and urine for a long time and discharging waste matter only in the backyard of your house. However, in the initial training days, it is inevitable that you will find hard-to-smell waste hidden under the carpet and other household objects.

Make a note of when your pup usually defecates or urinates. Accordingly, you can be alert at the time he displays actions revealing that he needs to answer nature’s call. Continue with housebreaking your pet for few weeks. The key here is to have patience while teaching the young dog.