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Potty Training Tips

27 10:42:54
Potty training your new pet can be tiresome and frustrating. Many people give up the idea of sharing the indoors with their new pet due to the time commitment it traditionally takes to potty train. Potty training does not need to be a burden or deterrent for you to enjoy the companionship of your pet. The following is an easy-to-follow guide for all pet owners desiring for less headaches and smells and more pet enjoyment.

The Importance of Routines
Scheduled outside time that is consistent day to day is the key to effective training. Pets, just as we do, have internal clocks that depend on routines and schedules. Your new pet needs frequent outside trips to emphasize that the outdoors is their place. Allow your pet outside time when you get up in the morning and then every two hours for two weeks. Increase the time by one hour for the next two weeks. During this time be watchful for signs your pet will show you that alerts you to needing to go outside. Use prompting phrases such as, you need to go outside? Let's go potty or any other phrase you will use consistently and frequently.

Positive Reinforcement
To reinforce desired pet behavior, it is important to celebrate your pet's achievement with a treat, affection, and words of encouragement. You may want to keep pet treats and play gear near the door for those spur of the moment trips. Your pet is looking to please you and therefore will repeat the behavior that earns praise and attention from you. Should your pet have an accident it is important to remind your pet of your expectations by using a short and simple command such as, No followed by leading your pet outside.

Pet Home
As your new pet is learning about you, your home and new surroundings, it is important to have a pet home for your pet. The home can be a kennel, crate or small-gated area. This is where your pet should sleep and stay when you are not supervising. Your new pet will be confused and this also eliminates the possibility of your pet destroying your property. Keep your pet's home comfortable and clean with a blanket chew toys and treats. Always make water available for your pet. Once you have established a routine with your pet you may begin to allow more house privileges.

The most important thing to remember as you are stepping into the role of a new pet owner is to practice patience and persistence. By incorporating these two strategies into a daily routine, your new pet will be happy and obedient, and best of all; you will not have accidents to clean.