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Puggle Training Tips

28 13:44:03

Puggle Training Tips

Puggle Training Tips. Puggles, a cross breed of pug and beagle dogs, have inherited both physical and personality traits of both of their parents breeds. They are social dogs that love the company of humans and other animals. Puggles are energetic and playful. If you own a puggle, exercise with it every day and teach it basic obedience commands to keep it from developing behavior problems. Puggles can learn basic obedience and even advanced tricks.

Your puggle may have inherited the beagle's curiosity and the pug's sense of humor.

Be Positive

If you know little about positive reinforcement training, now it the time to learn. Puggles are social dogs that crave affection from humans. They respond well to praise and reward but can become fearful or timid if punished too harshly. Positive reinforcement techniques allow you to train your dog without punishment. Reward your puggle with treats, praise or a game of fetch when it does something correctly. Your puggle will begin to learn your expectations.

Correct Unwanted Behavior

Positive reinforcement training provides a way for you to correct unwanted behavior without punishing your dog. For example, if your puggle has a fascination with the bathroom garbage, you can teach it to stay away by interrupting it with a noise. When you catch your puggle in the garbage, clap, snap or say "no!" to get its attention. As soon as its attention turns to you, reward the dog. It will start to learn that good things come from staying away from the garbage. Gradually wait longer and longer after issuing a correction to reward your puggle. Ignore some behavior, such as barking for attention. If you give your puggle attention while it is doing this, it will simply learn that barking earns rewards.

Training Treats

Puggles can have a stubborn streak, so you will need dog treats to bribe your dog to listen to your commands when you first start training. Treats can also help you lure your puggle into the correct position, helping you teach it exactly what you want. Stock up on your puggle's favorite snacks before you start training. Training treats should be soft and easy to chew. Bite-sized treats work best because your puggle can eat them quickly and refocus on the training. It will be eating a lot of these snacks, so consider your dog's health as well. Purchase natural, low-fat training treats from your local pet store. You can also used pieces of cooked meat, hot dog or cheese as training treats.

Training Schedule

Your puggle will learn more quickly and will be more likely to remember its training if you are repetitive. Hold training sessions with your puggle every single day. These sessions should seem like play time to your puggle. Be happy and upbeat and reward your dog every time it follows your commands (even if it is simply trying). Hold two or three of these training sessions every day, each time focusing on a single command. Sessions should last no longer than five or 10 minutes. This will give your puggle the repetition it needs and the sessions will be short enough to keep it from getting bored.


  • Puggle Breed Information
  • ASPCA: Training Your Dog