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How to Take Care of a Florida Lizard

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How to Take Care of a Florida Lizard

How to Take Care of a Florida Lizard. Florida is home to numerous animal species, including a tremendous variety of reptiles, especially lizards. In the spring, summer and fall, lizards are seen roaming lawns and gardens and climbing buildings, waiting for their next meal or attempting to attract a mate. The most common lizard is most areas of Florida is the green anole. Green anoles can change their color from green to brown. They can be seen almost anywhere, and they are quite easy to catch and to keep as pets.

Green Anoles can change color, especially when they are stressed.

Things Needed

  • Aquarium or mesh-screen cage
  • Sticks
  • Moss
  • Bark
  • Rocks
  • Spray bottle
  • Full spectrum lamp
  • Crickets
  • Calcium powder
  • Water

Step 1

Select an enclosure for your lizard. You can use an aquarium to build your habitat, as long as you make sure to leave spaces in the top for air. It may be better, however, to use a small mesh screened cage or enclosure. This will allow for better air flow and help to keep the enclosure at a comfortable room temperature for your lizard. It will also provide places for your lizard to climb.

Step 2

Prepare a proper habitat for your lizard. Green anoles generally prefer temperatures in the high 70s or low to mid 80s Fahrenheit. They also need a place to bask in heat and light, with a slightly increased temperature of up to 90 degrees. This can be accomplished by shining a desk lamp over a spot of the habitat. Be sure to use a full spectrum bulb with UV rays to simulate the lizard's natural outdoor habitat.

Step 3

Simulate your lizard's wild environment. You can bring leaves and sticks inside. Use dirt, leaves, moss and bark for the floor of the habitat. Add thick sticks to give the lizard places to climb and hide. Try adding some small live plants. Add a rock large enough for the lizard to stretch out on and place it under the lamp so the green anole can bask in the light. Use a spray bottle to mist the habitat regularly. This will help you both care for the live plants in the habitat and provide water for the lizard to drink.

Step 4

Feed your lizard. Green anoles like to eat bugs. They are typically not picky eaters; they will generally eat any living insects. Don't feed your lizard any bug that is larger than about half the size of its head. You can use live crickets from bait shops or pet stores as the staple of their diet. Keep the crickets in a separate habitat. Dust the crickets with calcium and vitamin powder from your local pet store before feeding your lizard to provide optimum health. For a treat, catch some wild insects, especially moths, to feed your lizard on occasion.


  • A well-tended Florida lizard should live for up to four years. Consider finding a veterinarian in your area who specializes in reptilian care to ensure your lizard remains healthy.


  • Handle your Green Anole with care. Their tails are fragile and break off easily.


  • Pet Care Portal: Green Anole Care Sheet
  • Wild Lizards