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Stress Reduction Techniques For Health & Anti Aging

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Optimal health and wellness for anti aging requires that you consume a healthy diet of natural, organic foods, increase your fitness levels through exercise, supplement with the proper vitamins and antioxidants, and improve mental health through spiritual disciplines such as meditation and yoga. But there is more.

Stress may be the number one killer of modern times. It seems everyone today is complaining about being over-stressed. This is due to the fact that life is changing and progressing at an exponential rate. Children are forced to grow up faster and at a younger age, and we change our careers and relationships like our clothes. Americans and the US government are struggling with record levels of debt.

This change can be good or bad depending upon your perspective. The good part is that knowledge and technology are also progressing rapidly, increasing longevity and living standards. If we cannot cope with this increased pace of change it is unhealthy.

Almost 15% of all Americans will experience an anxiety disorder during their lifetime. That's about 20 million people. After alcohol and drug abuse, anxiety disorders are the number 2 problem facing men and the number 1 health problem facing women.

Anxiety is the number one mental health disease in America. Women suffer from anxiety at twice the rate of men. This is a $50 billion a year burden on society. This anxiety is produced by what? Quite often stress is the trigger.

In addition to increasing anxiety levels, stress also can lead to depression, another serious disease of the modern age. Stress is a killer, which can cause many horrible diseases from high blood pressure, strokes and cardiovascular illness to autoimmune disorders and cancer.

Scientific studies have shown that the immune system is weakened by stress, leading to virtually all the major diseases. Stress reduction is one of the most important elements of an anti aging lifestyle.

Stress can be useful and even necessary for certain situations that require the release of hormones to energize us for quick action, but continued over prolonged periods of time cause damage to cells and a breakdown in our immune system leading to disease. People with high stress levels they are unable to cope with are vulnerable to abusing drugs, tobacco and alcohol, and usually lack the discipline or are too depressed to exercise or eat a healthy, nutritious diet.

So how do we fight stress and become more relaxed? There are many ways, and each person must find what works best for them. Following are several techniques that work well for a majority of people.

It is important to understand that most stress is not caused by events in your environment, but your reaction to those events. Stress is produced by the thoughts in your own mind which you are responsible for creating.

Listening to music is one of the most enjoyable and effective stress reduction techniques. When you are feeling stressed, your body is vibrating at a low level of energy. Music is a product of love, which vibrates at the highest frequency in the universe.

Music, with its higher order energy vibrations, enhances and uplifts the vibrational energy in your body, naturally reducing levels of stress. Music will help your body to vibrate at a higher frequency, and has been shown in scientific studies to reduce stress levels for optimal anti aging.

Meditation has been scientifically shown to decrease levels of stress. If you have not learned how to meditate, now is a great time. One of the very best ways to manage stress, control your emotions and increase your self-esteem is through meditation. Everyone I know who meditates appears more calm, relaxed and in control of their emotions and their life.

Meditation reduces stress by emptying the mind of negative thoughts that produce lower frequency energy vibrations which attract negative experiences into our life. Everything is produced by our thoughts, including our levels of stress. Meditation increases your ability to manage and control your thoughts, allowing you to alter and control your reality.

Scientific studies have also linked exercise to reduced stress levels. When anxiety levels begin to increase, take a break and do something active, moving and stretching your body. Simple stretching exercises, going for a walk, gardening or cleaning the house are all good ways to increase our activity level. It is amazing how powerful this can be for decreasing stress levels in your mind & body; movement is life and increases well-being.

For me, a great exercise and fitness program consisting of weight lifting and cardio routines leave me feeling great, with reduced stress levels. I never feel better than after a strenuous workout at the gym. Exercise releases endorphins in the brain which are responsible for elevated mood and feeling good.

Most people spend their entire day inside. Traveling from their home to work and back again, they have little time to see the light of day. Without regular, direct exposure to the sun, your body is unable to manufacture important substances such as vitamin D, melatonin and seratonin which are responsible for better quality sleep, elevated moods and increased immunity to disease.

When feelings of anxiety increase, go outdoors and soak up some natural healing sunlight (no more that 15-30 minutes without sunscreen), preferably while exercising. Additionally, commune with nature. Bask in the peace and beauty of nature by strolling in a nearby park or wooded area.

Laugh as much as possible, and learn to play more every day too. Laughter is a great stress reliever. Watch a humorous TV show or a great comedic movie. Or better yet, go out and see one live. Getting out of the house will increase your confidence and help you to feel that you can master your world.

Laughter has even been shown to fight disease. Determine the things you enjoy and give you the most pleasure, and give yourself permission to do them more often. Find and learn to love the child within.

Make friends and socialize. Studies show that people who are socially active have less stress, are less prone to disease and live longer. Studies show people who marry live longer, happier lives than those who stay single. Scientific studies have also shown reduced levels of stress, greater satisfaction in life and increased longevity among people who have pets, which give us regular unconditional love.

Eat a healthy, nutritious diet of natural, organic foods. These should include lots of organic fruits and vegetables (and fresh juicing), whole grain carbohydrates, quality proteins such as eggs, spirulina and lean meats, and healthy fats such as olive oil (no trans fats).

This is critical for maintaining fitness and feeding your cells with the vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and nutrition necessary to support your immune system to fight disease, and give you the mitochondrial energy to live an active, long and productive life.

In addition to a nutritious natural, organic food diet, potent supplements such as hormones and specialized antioxidants will increase your chances of a healthy life free from disease and premature aging. Among the most powerful herbs, hormones and supplements you should take include resveratrol, fish oil, DHEA, pregnenolone, melatonin, ginseng and green tea.

The law of attraction. If you take away only one thing from this article remember this. You create and control your thoughts. You create the thoughts in your mind, and the thoughts in your mind create your reality.

Practice and become good at visualizing the life you want to live, filled with everything you have ever desired, and think positive thoughts as if you were already living your dream life, and you were already the person you want to become. Make this a habit and you will attract more abundance and success into your life, your self-esteem will improve and you will begin to live the life of your dreams.