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Small Fish Oil Supplements Provide Endless Benefits To Your Health

28 8:52:10
It is amazing what a small fish oil dose every day can do to your health. The health benefits of fish based oil have been discussed for decades by experts around the world, but still a lot of people are unaware of it. So, in this article, I will be discussing the many benefits of fish oil and give you some tips to choose the very best supplement.

Fish oil is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids have medicinal properties and are extremely good for your health. When consumed regularly, they can improve your immune system and help you stay healthy for a long time. This is why even a small fish oil dose every day can do a world of good for your health.

These oils can help in drastic reduction of serious health related risks such as various cancers, heart disease, arthritis, and brain-related disorders.

These oils are known to increase the level of HDL cholesterol and ensure a reduction in the level of LDL cholesterol in the body. They are also good for people suffering from problems like anxiety, depression, and hyperactivity.

When it is time to choose the right kind of small fish oil supplement, there are three things you should keep in mind.

1. The type of fish it is extracted from - Mercury contamination has reached epidemic proportions and, as a result, a lot of fish around the world have large amounts of mercury which is extremely harmful for your health. So, it is better to look for supplements made from fish found in regions where there are no such risks of mercury contamination. The hoki fish found in New Zealand is a very good example of this.

2. The amount of DHA and EPA it has - DHA is the most important omega 3 fatty acid required for your body. So, the fish based oil capsule you choose must contain more DHA and less EPA.

3. The way it is purified - Purification process is of great importance when it comes to fish based oil capsules. To get rid of mercury and other unwanted, harmful substances found in fish, a good purification process is a must. Molecular distillation is one such reliable purification process which can get rid of all the harmful pollutants from fish based oil.

These are the most important things you should keep in mind while choosing a fish based oil supplement. If you choose the right product, even a small fish oil dose every day can significantly improve your health.