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The Basic Food Items That No Ones Kitchen Should Ever Be Without

28 11:58:28
A lot of good foods can be made from scratch from the following ingredients that no kitchen should ever be without at anytime.

Sugar is used in a lot of different cookies to make them sweet and to thicken the batter. It is also used in coffee kool-aide and many other juices and drinks as well. How many times have you had a neighbor come over and ask to borrow a cup of sugar? Don't be that neighbor!

Flour is another kitchen staple that no home should be without as there is a large number of everyday uses for it. This is used to make many things. Many things made from flour are cakes, cookies, casseroles all different kinds of things are made from flour every day.

Salt is in just about everything we eat. It is used to bake certain types of breads and cookies and is as important as brown sugar is to spaghetti. Salt can go on anything to make it taste better. It can also be made as a meat tenderizer if you haven nothing else to tenderize it with.

I think almost every cake and cookie recipe needs baking soda. This is used to make many things like chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, cakes, and many other things as well.

Milk is used as a basic thing in a lot of cakes and cookies. You need this in almost every bakery to make your sweets. In addition to using it to bake with who doesn't want to have a nice tall glass of milk with a handful of fresh cookies?

Another staple that is often ignored is vinegar which has been used a lot over the years to make many homemade salad dressings. When I was growing up this was the only salad dressing we had! It can also be used on sandwiches as well.

Vegetable oil is used for all kinds of different things. You can use it to fry fish, chicken, or even turkey. Oil is used to cook almost everything. It is used in cookies, cakes, dressings, everything. Many recipes require that you oil the pans to keep the food in which you are cooking to not stick to the pan. Oil is in everything we eat and is used to cook everything we eat as well.

Butter is another kitchen item used every day. It is used to make chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, and German chocolate cake, okay any kind of cakes. It can be used to make grilled cheese. It can be spread on toast. You can cook with it instead of using oil on your pans. Butter is in everything also it can be used on biscuits and just bread. Butter will always be something that is used to cook something.

All these ingredients are in everything we eat. These will always be in everything we eat or at least a few of these items. A couple of things that will always be in everything we eat will be salt and sugar these care natural things that are in a lot of foods.