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Why Great Chefs Cook Smoked Fish

28 11:57:51
One of the most controversial foods is smoked salmon, as well as many other salmon recipes. You can either love it or hate it. There's no middle way. Its taste is so strong and flavored that it leaves to shred of a doubt regarding anybody's preferences.

The best salmon is considered the smoked one. It is served in all big restaurants across the world and in the four and five star hotels. However, there are more methods to cook this tasty fish: you can have it grilled, or salted or marinated.

Not everything can be cooked at home. For example, smoked fish needs to be bought as such. Smoking foods requires a special device and of course, plenty of smoke. By no means can we do that in our own kitchen, in an apartment. For those who have a courtyard, it's another story. They can, but they need to know what they are doing.

Some diseases require diets. Sometimes salmon is not suitable for these people. This is why they may be forced to find other fish for their daily meals. Salmon is too fat for them and it may cause them health troubles.

For some people, eating habits don't change their health status. For others, the way the cook and the way they eat matters a lot when it comes to well-being and good health. This is why cooking is a personal activity.

Caviar is very good for health, and salmon caviar is one of the best. It is a simple but stylish meal, bringing the joy of taste in our mouth. However, if you eat too much of it, you may get sick. Luckily it's expensive,so very few people can make excess in this respect.

The biggest chefs in famous restaurants have the smoked salmon in their list because it is very easy to prepare and to arrange on a plate, and the taste is absolutely delicious.