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How To Breed Koi Fish In Sydney

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Koi is a beautiful, colorful fish that is Japanese by origin. Attractive looks has made koi fish in Sydney and the rest of the world very popular. Many homeowners build a pond in their garden or backyard just to breed koi fishes. This fish is considered to be a symbol of friendship and love. If you want to breed koi to make a koi farm in Sydney, you have to keep in mind the following advice:

A few things must always be thoroughly maintained such as: habitat, water temperature and the quality of food. You have to make a pair of koi very carefully, taking into account both the male and female’s health and age. Never put more than 2 males in a pond. Keep the ratio of male and female 1:1.

Koi breeds once a year in early summer months. Lots of organic foods such as algae are born in the ponds during this time, providing nutrition to the eggs. The best water temperature for their eggs is 20C. A great factor for the breeding is the length of the day. On long days, eggs mature very fast. Koi fish can grow up to be 2 feet in length. That’s why the ideal habitat for them should be at least a 4 to 5 feet deep pond and have at least 1000 gallons of water with a pH level of 7.4 to 7.5.

Oxygen must be continuously supplied to the water. You have to install oxygen pumps. The water in the koi pond in Sydney should have some sort of movement such as waterfall or fountain. This distributes oxygen evenly throughout the pond. However, don’t populate the entire pond with waterfalls and fountains because koi love to rest in still and calm waters. Keep the water free from parasites, chlorine, ammonia, and chemicals. Protect the fish from cats and other predators by covering the pond with net. Provide the fish their birthing spaces by planting some water hyacinths here and there in the pond. Check the hyacinths carefully for parasites before dipping them into the water.

Before the breeding, each fish must be fed foods that are rich in protein. It is best if you isolate every breeding fish. When the spawning begins, the water could become gloomy and smelly. A female koi can release up to 1000 eggs. Early morning is the time for spawning for koi fish in Sydney. After the process, the males should be separated from the females. This helps them to recover from the spawning. However, right after spawning, the males need special care as they are likely to be infected.

Now comes the part of hatching. Remove all the eggs from the original pond and keep them in another pond to hatch. Construct this second pond from clay in advance. Similar to the original pond, the water in this pond should be aerated on a regular basis and should be completely free from chemicals and parasites. The pH level should be 7.5 and oxygen pump must be running at all times to supply oxygen to the eggs. Let algae grow. The newborns will feed on it.
Lastly, koi eggs need to be handled carefully. It takes about a week to hatch. The newborns need to be fed 4 to 5 times a day after the first week of their birth. Take care to not overfeed, as it may kill them.