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The Different Types Of Memory Treatment

27 18:28:27
A huge number of people, from their 30s into their 100s, are concerned about keeping their memories sharp. It's created a pretty huge market for memory-enhancement techniques, and in fact, this market is not limited to just elder care patients. Memory enhancement comes in many forms -- some of which are distinctly more effective than others. As with most things in life, it's the methods that require the most effort that are generally the most effective.

The Less-Effective Methods


There are plenty of memory treatments out there that don't work well at all. While there is no blanket rule like "pills don't ever work", we can get pretty close. In general, any supplement you can take without a prescription doesn't work unless it's covered in Part II: The More-Effective methods. Note that this rule covers about 95% of memory-enhancing supplements out there.


Similarly, there is significant debate about the so-called Working Memory method of training. In Working Memory, practitioners are given a computer program that leads them through a variety of exercises designed to increase attentiveness and short-term recall of relevant information. Studies have shown , however, that Working Memory's exercises aren't transferable -- in other words, the exercises you do on the screen don't affect your activities offline. Furthermore, the benefits that they do have are short-term and fade quickly. This is not to say that exercising your brain won't help your memory -- but it doesn't work in the obvious way, like bicep curls or pushups.

Memory 'Tricks'

Finally, there are the huge number of 'tricks' that people use to memorize things deliberately, like mnemonic devices, chunking, loci ('memory palaces'), and so on -- all of these things help you memorize something when you have the time and energy to devote time to memorizing, but none of them actually help you remember trivial day-to-day things. That requires an entirely different kind of approach.

So, let's talk about the kinds of memory treatments that work well.

The More-Effective Methods


One of the best ways to improve your memory is to improve your lifestyle. This generally breaks down into four categories: sleep, food, exercise, and drugs. Sleeping 8 or more hours a night is an enormous boost to your ability to remember things because not only does your brain store things in long-term memory when you sleep, but sleep is also when your brain creates neurotransmitters, which are needed to retrieve memories. Less sleep means less neurotransmitters.

Food gives your body the chemical elements it needs to build new brain cells and to construct new neurotransmitters. Eating a healthy, balanced diet including a variety of colors of fruit and veggies as well as the occasional, moderate dose of organic red meat and variety of other proteins is the best you can do for your brain -- but double-down on fish, nuts, and other sources of healthy, natural omega-3 fatty acids.

In home care specialists will tell you that exercise is actually one of the better things you can do for your memory. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which is good in the short term, but more importantly, it increases lymph flow out of the brain -- cleaning it, in a literal sense. The brain's ability to get rid of unwanted cells, chemicals, and other detritus is key to allowing it to efficiently connect neurons -- a vital part of forming long-term memories.

Drugs -- you've heard the story here. When you allow any chemical that has profound effects on your physiology into your system, they almost always have ripple effects that end up messing up your brain, whether it's directly like with pot or indirectly with tobacco smoke. Keep your body and brain clean of these agents if you want your brain to form memories efficiently.


That said, there are supplements that your brain can use to function more effectively. DHEA, Taurine, Carnatine, Omega-3 fatty acids (particularly those in fish oil), Ginko Biloba, Huperzine A, and Panax Ginseng have all been studied and shown to have positive effects on the ability to form memories. Very few other remedies, either herbal or pharmaceutical, have been studied adequately -- and it should be noted that Huperzine A and Panax Ginseng are both in question, as the studies have shown that not everyone gains the same benefits, and no one knows why not.