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The Best Anti Aging Skin Care Requires A Comprehnsive Approach

27 18:25:57
The main factors which pave way for skin aging are dehydration (loss of water content from the skin tissue), toxins (from a bad food habit), and reduction in oil secretion from glands. The best anti aging skin care approach is a comprehensive one that includes a combination of nutritional supplements, exfoliation, toning, a healthy diet, and exercise.

As we grow older our skin tissue regeneration slows down, resulting in aging skin. Wrinkles start to appear under eyes, beside lips and on necks. Age spots, skin pigmentation, and blemishes become a part of daily life.

In every country, there is a stipulated minimum level of nutrition intake decided by a factor known as RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance). This not only includes macronutrients like carbohydrates, fats and proteins, but also micronutrients that include compounds like iodine, sodium, iron, and manganese. Some of these compounds are vital to the functioning of the human body.

In case the daily diet of an individual does not satisfy any of these stipulations, a nutritional supplement is necessary. These are completely natural and should be taken regularly to maintain adequate levels of nutrition in the body. Food grade collagen, Vitamin A, C and E, protein and fatty acids, calcium and copper are all important daily supplements and are essential aspects of the best anti aging skin care programs.

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is a strong anti-oxidant, which in turn recycles other anti-oxidants as well. It also improves insulin resistance, helping diabetic patients, and is both fat and water-soluble. Since it is produced in small amounts in the body, supplements are necessary.

The best anti aging skin care programs also involve taking care of the skin in other ways to avoid premature and accelerated skin aging. Exfoliation helps get rid of dead cells and skin flakes. Fruity scrubs like strawberry, apricot, and lemon are good products.

After exfoliation, one should tone the skin. Skin toners are available anywhere in the market. These usually contain anti- oxidants that help radiate the skin.

Lastly, one should moisturize the skin to avoid dryness and pigmentation. If the skin is too oily, then a water-based moisturizer can be used. Cold creams are recommended only in winter, before going to bed, and using them throughout the year will tend to make the skin extra oily, which in turn will cause acne and other skin problems.

However, using the best anti aging skin care supplements and other products is just a part of nourishing the skin. A healthy diet is probably the most important aspect of skincare, especially when one is combating skin aging.

One should avoid oil, spices, and high-protein rich food like meat. Dairy products are a good option, especially for women who are also prone to osteoporosis at old age. Leafy veggies like cabbage, lettuce and parsley, fresh fish and fruits like apple, oranges, lemon, and watermelon are important dietary options.

To keep the blood circulation active, one should always include a regular work out regime. Don't worry, it doesn't need to be intense cardio and weight training - just simple jogging, or brisk walking, or even power yoga and pranayam are all acceptable options. Not only does it provide skin radiance, but also keeps joint pains and heart diseases at bay.

Again, the best anti aging skin care approach is a comprehensive one that addresses all of the various factors that contribute to aging skin. When it comes to skin care, the whole truly is greater than the sum of its parts.