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Avoid Fish Oil Side Effects Problems

27 18:25:13
Are there any serious negative fish oil side effects to be concerned about? Most people are now aware of how fish oil benefits human health. But, some people are concerned that there might be risks. Among those concerned are healthcare professionals. Here’s why they are concerned and how you can buy a supplement with confidence.

Anti-Coagulant Activity

An anti-coagulant is any compound that thins the blood and prevents clotting. Doctors are concerned that one of the fish oil side effects could be an increased risk of bleeding disorders. They are also concerned because it is possible to overdose on anti-coagulants.

Healthcare professionals that are aware of the latest studies know that a person can safely take up to 3000mg (3 grams) per day, without any increased bleeding risk, even if they are also taking blood thinners like Warfarin or other anti-coagulants like aspirin.

The anti-coagulant activity is actually one of the fish oil benefits. It means that there is a decreased risk of heart attack and stroke, as well as varicose veins and diabetic neuropathy, a health problem experienced by some diabetics due to decreased blood flow to the extremities, particularly the feet.

Exposure to Mercury and Other Contaminants

Mercury and PCB contamination are big problems. The oceans are heavily polluted. The flesh and oils of fish that spend their lives in polluted waters will invariably contain some of that pollution. Consumption advisories are posted on a number of public health websites, because some species should not be eaten. Others should be eaten only rarely.

When it comes to contaminant concerns, one of the fish oil benefits is that the oils can easily be tested for mercury and other contaminants. Food-fish cannot be tested, without making them inedible.

The Danger of Oxidized Oils and Too Much Vitamin A

One of the most common fish oil side effects is fishy-tasting burps. The cause is high levels of oxidation. If the oils are not fresh when they are encapsulated, then they cause burping.

Whether or not the fish oil benefits can outweigh the risk of consuming oxidized oils is unknown. But, it is known that brands with low levels of oxidation do not cause the burps.

One of the dangerous fish oil side effects is excess intake of vitamin A, which can be toxic. Primarily, cod liver oils are the only supplements that contain too much vitamin A. Others contain little or none.

How to Buy With Confidence

You can easily determine if the brand that you are buying is free of contaminants and has very low levels of oxidation. If you want the fish oil benefits, without any risks, you should make an effort to do that. All that you really need to do is buy from a manufacturer that posts a copy of an independent laboratory analysis on their website. Typically, they refer to it as a COA or certificate of analysis.

Some companies even guarantee that you will not experience the common fish oil side effects; fishy burps. They can do that, because they know the oils are fresh.

And now please visit the XtendFishOil website listed below for updated information on fish oil side effects and fish oil benefits .