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7 Ways To Stay Sharp

27 18:28:17
1.Make friends with fats again Fats make up 60 percent of the brain so it stand to reason that the better the quality of fat in your diet the better you brain. The best thing you can do is to try including a quality fresh oil supplement (Udos Choice Blend is very good quality) in your diet, or flax, sunflower or pumpkin seeds. Eat some organic fish once or twice a week such as salmon, sardines, mackerel or tuna. Fish are a good source of DMEA (Dimethylaminethanol) which ahs been shown in studies to have a positive effect on improving cognitive function.

2.Stock up on B vitamins It is recommended that you take a multivitamin (Mariandina recommended) containing high levels of folic acid and other B Vitamins. They increase energy and are god brain nutrients. Foods containing B Vitamins include wholegrain cereal or rice, nuts, fish, soya, fruits and leafy green vegetables.

3.Think On. Your brain is a great big muscle which can and will get flabby if it doesnt get any exercise. Mental stimulation keeps the brain healthy and those with a variety of interest and mental challenges, often have the best memories. So try learning a new language, using your left hand to write if you are right handed or doing crosswords or Sodoko. Meditation can influence parts of the brain that are associated with relaxation, preventing the you from becoming flooded with the stress hormone cortisol which can in turn aid memory according to Ian Robinson professor of psychology at Trinity College in Dublin.

4.Eat more berries. Blueberries are power packed and are one of the best source of brain boosting antioxidants available and could help to increase levels of neurotransimitters dopamine.

5.Take a deep breath, Oxygen is one of the best source of energy, but very few of us actually breath to our full capacity. To boost the flow of oxygen, try breathing like a baby again, in through the nose until your tummy fills up and pops out, hold for a few seconds, then release the breath fully through your mouth.

6.Get on your bike, just a few burst of physical exercise such as cycling or jogging a few time a week can trigger a significant boost in your brain power as it helps the heart to pump blood around the body and the brain.

7.Take more herbs, it has long been known that Ginkgo biloba can boost brain power by increasing circulation to the brain, but these herbs help too Lemon balm increases the activity of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter which can increase your ability to learn and store information. Sage oil supplements improves memory and rosemary essential oil is said to be mentally stimulating and great for concentration.