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Questions About Dog Health and the Critical Answers - Revealed!

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Dog owners have always been baffled by some of the biggest questions about dog health. Getting the right answers is on top of their priority list and will definitely help them take better care of their pets. Here are a few frequently asked questions about dog health.

Question #1: How can I tell if my dog is sick?

As with humans, it's usually fairly easy to tell if your pet is sick. But of course, you have to be certain before you take action. However, unlike humans, who are able to inform you right away when they're not feeling well, animals will require your most careful observation and attention.

Take note of any changes in his daily routine, no matter how small it might be. Observe his appetite level, his liquid consumption, urinary frequency, general appearance, sudden weight loss, and drops in energy level. Does he refuse his food completely? Is he vomiting? Does he limp or have difficulty getting around? If your dog shows an alarming change in behavior, then it's time you took him to the vet.

Question #2: How often should I have my dog checked at the vet?

Annual physical checkups are advisable for dogs. It should be more frequent than that if your dog is still very young, or has a medical condition that needs constant monitoring. Around age six, you should start taking him twice yearly so that any health problems that may come with age may be detected and prevented from worsening, and that the right course of action may be taken to ensure good and continued health as he matures.

Question #3: Should I have my dog neutered/spayed?

Unless you're planning on putting up a breeding facility, it is highly recommended that your dog be neutered (if it is a male) or spayed (if female) once it has reached six months of age.

This makes them less aggressive. It also boosts their health. A male's chances of getting prostate and testicular cancer falls to almost zero, while the same rate holds true for females getting mammary cancer.

Spaying significantly cuts down their risk of contracting a form of diabetes, as well as womb infections or pyometra. On a more practical and humane note, it prevents overpopulation or the swelling in numbers of poor, unwanted puppies in rescue shelters.

Moreover, it saves you the trouble of having to deal with the horde of male dogs trooping to your house each time your female dog is in heat.

Question #4: What do I do if my dog drools excessively?

It's perfectly normal for dogs to drool; it's in their nature. But relative to his size, a good tip would be to take note of whether or not there is a sudden increase in his salivary output as this might be a sign of periodontal disease, tongue injuries, or even cysts, in which case you must take him to see the vet immediately.

Question #5: How do I deal with ear mites?

Before using your vet's prescribed ear mite medication, first clean off the deposit of hardened debris in your dog's ear by applying some drops of baby oil in the ear canal and letting it stand for a few hours.

Once the coating has softened, you can flush it away with vinegar and distilled water (avoid tap water) in equal parts using a rubber ear-cleaning syringe. Do this with extra care as too much pressure will cause pain.

Once clean, apply a few drops of the medication; after which, gently massage the ear's base for a few minutes so that the medicine can be properly absorbed into the affected area.

Don't forget to read the medicine's instructions first before applying. When in doubt about the procedure, your vet could always do the cleaning and medicating for you, though it would be advantageous for both you and your pet if you knew how to do it yourself.

Observing your vet during this process can give you a good idea how to handle this situation. Remember that it is easy for your dog to catch ear mites from other dogs. If you happen to have two or more dogs in your household, it's definitely wise to observe them and see if they could possibly be infected by ear mites, too.

To get more answers to your other problems and questions about dog health, pay a visit to your veterinarian and he/she will be able to assist you with your concerns.