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Dont Let Your House Be The Dogs Bathroom - Dog House Training Done Right

27 13:45:56
So you have a new pet and are starting to think about how you plan to successfully accomplish dog house training, well good for you! Dog house breaking is critical if you want to have a pet that will be happy and contented. Most dogs prefer to be with their human (that's you) and will not be very happy living outdoors.

House training is teaching your dog not to use your house as their personal bathroom.

House breaking using crate training methods makes it much easier for your pet to associate what you want them to do with your positive response. Here are a number of Important Tips for Successful dog house training

TIP #1 Never Scold or Punish your dog. Dogs have few cognitive reasoning skills, if any. This means that hitting or yelling at your dog will most likely result in confusion for your pet and not correction. So even if you are frustrated, don't ever hit, smack, or abuse your pet either physically or verbally.

TIP#2 Consistent behavior is Important. That's YOUR behavior not your dogs. Both puppies and adult dogs respond much more positively to a consistent schedule than to a hit and miss one. Know your pups schedule and use it to your advantage. Do they get up and prefer to eat right away? If so, right after eating, take them outside to urinate.

Eating presses on the bladder and causes them to want to go. Take your puppy outside and let them go so you can give them loads of praise. This is important because you want your puppy to remember outside-bathroom-and your happiness all in one thought.

TIP#3 Dogs use voice inflection to gather meaning and interact with humans. All canines have a very limited vocabulary which means that you need to use the same word to mean the same thing all the time. Potty, Going outside, Bathroom, Have to PEE, etc. are all different to a dog even if they mean basically the same to us.

TIP#4 While a dog pen or cage can be used for crate training it isn't a house breaking method but only a tool. Crate Training is a way to keep control of your pet whenever you aren't able to keep a watchful eye on them. This includes not only during the day but also night time as well.

It's no secret that it takes awhile for your dog to get completely crate trained. Dog house training tip successfully means making the commitment to keep control of your puppy even during the night time. This means lugging that hard plastic or wire cage crate into your bedroom at night.

For more information, visit the link below to find out about an easy to use and easy to move lightweight doggie crate designed especially for those serious about successfully house training their POOCH. You DO want to make dog house training as easy as possible for you and your puppy. Picture being about to keep your pup close without having to fight moving a heavy unmanageable metal cage or cumbersome plastic crate.