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The Improtance Of Dog Toys For The Happy Pet

28 10:56:54
Dogs love to play, especially with their human masters and friends. A good way to enhance that bond between you and your dog is by playing with them using different dog toys. Aside from this, if your dog is tired and worn out from playing too much it will keep him or her from causing any mischief around the house. All he or she will be doing is lying on his dog bed and sleeping. The next day, the routine goes on and the cycle continues.

Dogs tend to do a lot of things when they get bored, which is usually a negative effect that has to be dealt with. They will sometimes chew on the furniture, bark at anything and anyone, or dig holes in the backyard or in the garden. This could be very disadvantageous on your part, so I would advise getting dog toys that could keep him or her preoccupied and eventually solve the boredom problem.

Keeping your dog involved, either through play or work, keeps them in shape and healthy, which makes life a lot easier and happier for both you and the little fellow. There are hundreds of different dog toys being sold in pet stores that have specific functions and produce unique benefits for your dog. Some of them include:

1) Hide and seek dog toys, which usually comes in the form of a cute animal plush toy being hidden in places for your dog to dig around and locate. This is also a good choice for dogs that tend to destroy his or her toys. This kind of dog toy also enhances its intelligence since the toy usually has a squeaker so that it excites the dog and signals him where to locate it.

2) Dog toys with treats inside, which would definitely get your dog all excited. This toy teaches your dog how to solve simple puzzles like where to look for it and which area to chew so that in the end, when he gets it right, a treat is rewarded. An example of this kind of dog toy is the plastic cube. This adjustable plastic cube has treats inside. The dog has to figure out how to get them out to be able to reach for them.

3) Chewable dog toys, which acts under the same principle as the hide and seek toys. Your dog basically tries to chew and defeat the toy and comes back the next day for another round. These toys cannot be torn apart that easily, which makes it a better choice compared to dolls and plush toys that are ripped apart.

4) Mind-teeth stimulating toys, which function as a way to stimulate the dog\'s mind as well as his teeth. These type of toys are designed in such a way that when your dog sinks in his or her teeth after constantly trying to figure out where to land its bite, kibbles and treats come out that not only encourages the dog but helps keep its teeth clean, strong and healthy as well.