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A Dog Crate, Dog Carriers And Planes

27 13:26:50
Getting your dog crate or dog carriers on the on airliners can be a pain. My dual careers are so very different, but so very entwined as well. You may be asking how an airline pilot found the dog crate industry, but the answer is simple. Planes and dogs are two of my favorite loves in life. For us pet lovers, the enjoyment of being able to take a canine on an airline with us wonderful, but without proper planning, it can be awful.

Many people sometimes ponder what is required to take their pet on an aircraft. It can be a very time consuming and difficult job without proper planning. The most important thing a dog owner should remember is that every airline has its own set of rules. Be sure to call the specific air carrier for the special rules that pertain to its requirements. That is priority number one. Also, be sure to give yourself plenty of time before your flight to get the required information. The air carriers have given a lot of thought into safe travel, both for you and for your pet.

Now, let's look at some of the more basic things that we dog parents should think about now that we know the airline we are traveling on and its unique rules. We should make sure that our canine companion is not sick, in distress, or aggressive. Some canines can be sedated for flying, but it is not recommended, especially for very young canines. If you feel that could be a hazard, your veterinarian is the best source of advice on that subject. Also, make sure your pet has the appropriate and necessary health documents from your vet.

Small canines can travel in the front of the aircraft with you provided they are in dog carriers that will fit under the seat in front of you. There are many great dog carriers on the market that can provide comfort for your small canine. Large canines must travel in the cargo compartment. You should not worry though. Knowledge from my first career gives me the knowledge that the cargo compartment is safe and kept at a comfortable temperature for your dog. The airlines will not allow any animals back there if that system is not functioning properly. Your dog crate or dog carriers should be clearly marked with "Live Animal" and "This Side Up" tags. You should also include your name, address, telephone number, and telephone number at your destination clearly marked on the crate. When looking for a crate or carrier for your pet, many of the top quality dog crates and dog carriers are approved for airlines. Be sure to ask.

A few general things to think about are: putting your dog's favorite blanket and toys in the carrier, booking a nonstop flight, and not feeding your pet just before takeoff. You wouldn't want your pet to get airsick, lost, or stuck out on the hot asphalt for a long time. Give your canine frozen water or ice cubes in his or her dog crate or pet carrier. It will melt slowly, keep your pet hydrated, and not spill as easily. Most of all, enjoy the company your pet can give you during your vacation. I hope I see you in the air.