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Dealing With Obese Labrador Retrievers

27 13:42:27
Labrador Retrievers are known to have hearty appetites and are often overfed causing weight to increase even above what is normal. Obesity is a major problem in people nowadays. It leads to the development of various diseases causing series of death to a number of people. Obese people, even those who are not, are spending time, effort and money to address this problem. The government is also active in battle against obesity.

Obesity troubles not only people alone but also dogs. Yes, Fido is in danger! Obesity in dogs is a serious problem. Obese dogs are more prone to have high blood pressure, heart disease, respiratory difficulties, diabetes mellitus, back and joint pain, hip dysplasia, heat intolerance and skin problems. These diseases contribute to the deterioration of your pet's health and can eventually shorten the lifespan.

A pet is considered obese when he is 15-20% over his maximum weight for its breed. So if the normal weight for Labrador Retrievers is 60-75 lbs (27-34 kg), your dog's weight should not be over 20% higher than the normal. You can tell that your dog is obese by simply looking at it. But you can make sure if your dog is really obese by placing your hands on your pet's rib cage with your thumb on his back. If you feel the dog's rib easily without pressing too hard, then your pet is obese. You will also notice that the abdominal area behind the rib is wider than the chest when viewed from either side or above.

There are lots of reasons why dogs gain weight. Dog owners should always remember that their dog's health largely depends on their hands. They should control the amount of food during mealtime. Instead of giving one full meal, better give several small meals a day to help in the digestion. Extra snack, treats, table scraps and high fat diets also contribute to your dog' obesity. Dogs who lack exercise and physical activities are more likely to become obese. The same to older dogs and dogs with orthopedic injuries because they are less active.

Better consult your vet if you suspect that your dog is obese. Ask for suggestions on weight reduction plan and proper diet and what foods they should eat. It is also important to ask what and how much exercise your pet needs. Remember that too much exercise can also cause problem to your dog.

Weight loss cannot be achieved over night. Just be consistent and be patient for soon you and your dog will reap your reward.