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Optimizing Your Dogs Diet To Suit His Nature

26 13:57:59

Optimizing Your Dog's Diet To Suit His Nature


We've all seen our dogs eat grass like there was no tomorrow and sometimes we assume that dogs are omnivorous because of this behavior. We start thinking that we're not providing Fido with the right diet. Nothing could be farther from the truth. If you notice, dogs will usually eat grass when they're not feeling well, and most of the time, they will vomit or develop diarrhea after ingesting large amounts of grass.

So why do they do that? It could be a residual effect inherited by their ancestors. Wild dogs (and wolves) eat herbivores. When a canine eats a herbivore, they also eat the stomach contents of the animal, this helps the dog receive vitamins and minerals from vegetable matter but it doesn't mean a wild dog would like to munch on a carrot for example!

Dogs have very short digestive tracts, typical of carnivorous animals, and they have sharp teeth, ideal for ripping and tearing flesh. Unlike herbivores and omnivores, they don't have flat teeth designed for grinding grain and plant matter, they have sharp teeth ideal for cracking bones. All signs point to their being carnivorous.

The stomach acid of dogs is very acidic and this serves to help break down and digest proteins. Herbivores such as cows have more than one stomach and a very long digestive tract to help slowly digest tough plant mater and cellulose; dogs (because they aren't vegetarian) have a very short digestive tract and only one stomach. You may say that dogs are omnivorous, but taking a look at the teeth of omnivores and carnivores, you will see a huge difference. Omnivores (like us) have both sharp teeth for ripping meat as well as flat teeth for chewing and grinding. Watch your dog when he's eating, you'll notice he doesn't chew, he wolfs his food down.

What does that mean to you as a dog owner? Well take a good look at your dog's commercial food mix. You will most probably find protein low on the list of ingredients. You will also most probably find grains and cereals at the top of the list. After what we've discussed, does this sound like a diet fit for a carnivore? No, and that's why more and more veterinarians are recommending that you add fresh meat to your dog's regular food to provide a more complete diet for your best friend.

Dogs can't process carbohydrates and cellulose like herbivores and omnivores; can you imagine a wolf eating corn? Your dog needs amino acids and plenty of protein, feeding him solely commercial dog food will potentially shorten his life and make him prone to disease.