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Help For The Itchy Dog

27 13:32:58
Bathe the Dog

Try bathing your dog in cool water using a soothing oatmeal shampoo. You don’t want the water too cold, since your dog will probably try to vacate the tub as soon as possible, but you also don’t want the water to be hot or too warm, since this will make the itch worse, not better. You can try adding some Epsom salts or baking soda to the bathwater, which will help soothe the dogs’ skin.

Then, try this recipe for a simple leave-on finishing rinse to help control the itch.

Thoroughly mix together:
2 Tablespoons Aveeno Colloidal Oatmeal (purchase at any Pharmacy)
1 Gallon Warm Water

Once the dog has been completely rinsed of shampoo, apply the oatmeal finishing rinse and gently massage into the skin and fur. Do not rinse but allow your dog to shake off any excess water. Resist the urge to rub the dog with the towel. The rubbing motion will irritate the itch and can make the condition worse. Instead, gently pat your dog down with a towel while absorbing as much excess water as possible. Keep in mind that you want to dry your dog thoroughly.

Probable Causes of Itchy Dog Syndrome
Older dogs are usually more prone to skin problems than younger dogs; however, neither is immune to them. An older dog, like an older human, has a greater chance of getting a disease or health problem that will cause them to itch uncontrollably. While there are many things that can cause dog itch, one of the following problems is often the culprit:

÷ Fleas
÷ An allergen, which may cause hay fever
÷ A skin infection, which usually causes redness of the skin or flaky skin
÷ An allergic reaction to a certain food
÷ An allergy to something they may have touched
÷ A disease, such as liver disease
÷ Dandruff

If you notice your dog scratching excessively, you should contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. While dog itch is usually not a huge health concern, it’s far better to be safe than sorry, when it comes to our furry friends.