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Things To Consider When Looking Into Dog Allergies Treatment

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Things To Consider When Looking Into Dog Allergies Treatment


Humans are not the only ones that suffer from allergies. Many dogs agonize from exposure to allergens every day, and sometimes without the owner's knowledge. In fact, it is the most prevalent cause for skin problems in animals. There are some specific symptoms to look for if you are concerned about your pet. There are also some things you should know about dog allergies treatment.

What you may notice at first, if your dog is suffering from allergies, is that he or she may chew or scratch on certain areas of the body more than usual. This alone, can cause lesions on the skin that may be red and scaly. Another sign to look for is a pet rubbing his or her face on textured materials, such as carpets or furniture. Hair loss, in a patch-like pattern, is also not uncommon.

Another common symptom caused by allergies is chronic ear infections. Because the ear's wax producing gland responds to the presence of allergens, by overproducing, it creates the perfect environment for bacteria and yeast to multiply. When this happens, infection is likely.

You can attempt to eliminate certain allergens from your pet's environment; however, this can be quite an undertaking if you consider the amount of possible culprits. Flea bites, house dust, pollen, and certain additives in food are just a few. Another option may be to contact your Veterinarian about administering an allergy test.

If eliminating the irritants is not a plausible option, you may be interested in looking into a form of topical therapy. Several shampoos and conditioners, as well as lotions and other ointments are available. This may only give your pet a temporary relief; however, so you should bathe him or her about two times per week, when using this method. If outdoor allergens are a concern, it may help to wipe your pet's feet, upon entering the home.

Fish oil based Omega-3 fatty acids have also been shown to help reduce symptoms. Fortunately, adding these to your pet's diet poses little risk of side effects. If this does not seem to be enough to tackle the problem; however, you may want to speak with your Veterinarian about the addition of antihistamines. Because there are several forms of antihistamines, with varying degrees of side effects, it is best to consult your Vet before adding this to the treatment plan.

If your dog does not seem to respond to any other form of treatment, injections and steroids are other possible options. It is recommended; however, that all other alternatives are exhausted before considering this. Your Veterinarian may be able to customize an injection formulated from your pet's allergy test results. Although steroids have been found to be very helpful in the treatment of allergy symptoms, it is highly recommended that you consult your pet's doctor about any possible side effects.

Don't forget that seeking the advice of a Veterinarian is always recommended, when you have any medical concerns regarding your pet. If you recognize any of these symptoms in your dog's behavior, you may want to schedule an appointment to discuss suggested dog allergies treatment with your pet's doctor.