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Ease Your Dogs Fears With a Thundershirt

29 17:50:04

The Canine Thundershirt Wrap Calms Nervous Dogs

Calm your nervous canine and ease your dog's fear with a Thundershirt.

If you are a pet owner and have had dogs as pets over the years, chances are that at least one of your dogs has suffered from separation anxiety or feared thunder and fireworks. As a dog lover and a pet owner you have probably suffered right along with your dog as it’s hard to see any pet in a highly distressed state. 

It is also equally upsetting and frustrating to come home to find your furniture or your belongings destroyed by your dog because the dog was scared of being left alone.

This is especially true if your dog’s separation anxiety has not waned over time and you tried many training and treatment methods or products to calm your dog’s anxiety and exaggerated fear of being left alone. Thundershirts are the answer to easing dog's fears and reducing a myriad of fears dogs experience. What fears does your dog experience? Is he frightened by thunder or any loud noises? Does he bark or pant excessively when he become frightened?

Get The Thundershirt – A Terrific Solution to Dog Separation Anxiety

What is a Thundershirt? Thundershirts are light-weight yet durable compression wraps for dogs that secure easily around a dog’s torso with velcro strips. Thundershirts calm anxious, nervous and fearful dogs. For years, constant yet gentle pressure applied to the torso or nervous system helps calm both people and animals. Much like a swaddle soothes an infant, this pressure wrap was made especially for dogs to soothe canines. Thundershirts work in the same manner to calm dogs suffering from separation anxiety and other anxieties such as travel anxiety and noise anxiety. The Thundershirt calms my beloved canine. I have seen truly remarkable and positive results when I began using this anxiety wrap for Marley. Aside from being left alone, my dog is terribly frightened of thunder and fireworks.

If you’ve experienced chewed furniture legs, inappropriate urination in the house or have witnessed other distress behaviors and symptoms of dog separation anxiety upon leaving your house such as excessive pacing, barking, howling or crying, buy a Thundershirt. It is a calming dog product that works and works quickly.
Ease Your Dog's  Fears with a Thundershirt
The Thundershirt Does Work
•    Delivers on its promise to help ease dog's fears and calm nervous or frightened dogs
•    Is an easy-to-use and easy-to-clean product with a success rate near 80%
•    Is a safe drug-free treatment separation anxiety and for reducing other dog fears
•    Is safe for extended wear and will not cause dogs to overheat in warmer weather
•    Mitigates multiple dog fears from the fear of thunder or fireworks to other dog fears
•    Can be used with other training and re-training methods to solve dog anxieties

My First-Hand Results With a Thundershirt

I bought the Thundershirt for my dog Marley about a month before the 4th of July as this is the hardest day of the year for my pet. Marley is especially sensitive to loud noises such as thunderstorms and fireworks.

When she is especially frightened Marley trembles and pants heavily. Her distressed state is severe and evident. She will move as close to me as physically possible when storms begin or when the fireworks on the 4th of July holiday start. The Thundershirt worked immediately for Marley. I was stunned at how quickly she calmed down when the fireworks began. Her excessive panting stopped.  While she was still disturbed by some of the noise, she was able to sit down and relax in contrast to past occasions where she could not stop trembling or panting.

I also wanted to find an effective drug-free method to help relieve Marley's severe separation anxiety. Other benefits to using a Thundershirt have also occurred. She pulls much less on her leash when I use it during our walks and it has also really helped to calm her when I have to leave her in the house alone. Now that I use the Thundershirt, my dog experiences a significantly decreased degree of separation anxiety.

Thundershirt Canine Wrap Improves Our Quality of Life

The Thundershirt wrap has not completely eradicated Marley's anxiety but it has tremendously improved our quality of life. Now, my dog is not as fearful as she was in the past when I need to leave the house when she wears her canine Thundershirt. Problematic behaviors have also lessened or ceased as a result of using this product. I can't overstate how much I wish I had become aware of this separation anxiety problem solver sooner. Thundershirts, however, were only recently developed in 2009. I adopted Marley in 2003.

My departures from home evoke the greatest anxiety my dog experiences.  Marley will follow me around the house often. This is especially true if she hears the keys and senses other pre-departure rituals I begin before leaving the house. When she experiences acute anxiety, she will also try to exit the house with me to prevent me or dissuade me from leaving her behind. We have worked on this for years. Successes ensue as do setbacks.

Recurrences of her fears and the separation anxiety behaviors she displays do occur. A change in my work hours or if longer office hours occur, she will inappropriately behave in the house when I am gone. The two residential moves we have made together in recent years, including an out-of-state move, also required some re-training and new routines to reduce her fears. Don't hesitate to get a Thundershirt. This is one of the best pet products I have ever purchased.

Thundershirt Guarantee

With a 100% money back guarantee, you can send the Thundershirt back to its makers for a refund. Many veterinary offices and animal shelters are using Thundershirts with remarkable success. There is an 80% success rate as noted on the Thundershirt website. And the makers of the Thundershirt urge dog owners to try using the Thundershirt to solve other dog anxieties and problematic dog behavioral issues such as noise and travel anxiety, leash pulling and problem barking.  The Thundershirt website features several helpful pages, a FAQ, a size guide and detailed instructions and helpful sketches.  A video is also posted for users to learn how to correctly put a Thundershirt on their dog.

Many Thundershirt product users have sent in video success stories, positive testimonials and affirmative product reviews. These are posted on the Thundershirt website for others who are likewise considering a purchase. Many veterinarians also highly recommend this product.

Thundershirts are available for sale on Amazon and dog owners seeking relief for their dogs fears can buy the Thundershirt directly from the Thundershirt Company, too, via their website.

Thundershirts Support Dog Shelters and Humanitarian Efforts

The Thundershirt Company also works with rescue organizations such as animal shelters and humane society who are recipients of their donations of the Thundershirt. Thundershirt recently donated their product to volunteers heading to Japan in response to the horrible natural disaster that occurred there to help the pets in need in Japan. It is possible to imagine just how fearful dogs were cowering and reacting to this terrible catastrophe. Thundershirts made the attempts to rescue frightened dogs much easier to accomplish.

A similar dog separation anxiety wrap preceded the Thundershirt, however, I do not have any personal knowledge or experience with this product. A brief look at the Original Anxiety Wrap for dogs indicates that users who have bought this product have a more difficult time putting this wrap on their dogs than do Thundershirt users. Apparently The Original Anxiety Wrap fits dog much more snugly than the Thundershirt does as stated by users of this product.

The Original Anxiety Wrap is also made with a heavier material versus the Thundershirt. Some dog owners who tried the Thundershirt reported greater success using the Original Anxiety Wrap for their dogs with separation anxiety after trying both products.

Without any reservation, I highly recommend trying the Thundershirt if you dog exhibits fears from thunder, fireworks or acute separation anxiety. You can try it for many dog anxieties. My trial and use of this product resulted in great positive relief for my dog.  Moreover, as a dog owner I did not have to resort to an expensive product or use a drug therapy to aid my beloved pet. Get the Thundershirt to ease your dog's fears, too. It will make a huge difference to you and your beloved pet.

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