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How Are Guard Dogs Trained?

27 17:33:32
A guard dog, also generally called a watchdog, is used to defend something (usually someone's home or a business) versus things like unasked trespassers such as felons or wild creatures.

Once a guard dog observes an uninvited animals presence it starts to bark which is both an effort to frighten away the intruder as well as technique to alert the guard dog's master that there is some kind of problem going on. Generally a keep an eye on dog's job would cease here but there are some keep an eye on dogs that are developed to subdue any trespassers. Keep an eye on dogs that are in charge of keeping keep an eye on over a flock of livestock for instance may be developed to take down a wolf that tries to attack the flock for instance.

One of the 1st matters that a dog being developed to be a guard dog needs to be instructed is that it must become neutral toward other animals. If guard dogs are not taught this, an animal looking for a battle for example could distract them and they would lose sight of whatever they were in charge of guarding. Teaching a male guard dog to push aside female dogs can be a daunting but not inconceivable task.

Barking is another issue that needs to be addressed with a dog being developed to guard something. Most all puppies and older dogs bark in order to let their master know that something or someone is there. If you have plans for a guard dog that resides outside you are going to want it to be quiet. This is a great idea as it can also teach your guard dog to not run off in the direction of any disturbances, which protects your guard dog's safety.

Just about all guard dogs need to be developed to bite rather hard. This way they can unarm and take down intruders and keep them down until the police arrive.

Studies have demonstrated that female dogs usually make finer choices for guard dogs. The cause for this is their substantial desire to protect their offspring.

There are a lot of breeds that are generally connected with being used as a guard dog. Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Pit Bulls and Dobermans are all exceedingly popular guard dog options.

If you have plans on buying a dog for the reason of it being a guard dog, do a little of research to be confident that you are choosing a breed of dog that is qualified for this kind of training.