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Fido Float Dog Life Jacket Size Medium

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As family members, our dogs follow us everywhere including the beach, dock and pool, so using a Fido float Dog Life Jacket Size Medium is a great way to keep your pooch safe.  These come in different sizes, but the medium will fit about a 40 pound one as pictured.

This particular brand of  life vest is really cool, because not only are they made in bright colors so that they can be seen in the water, but the collar is buoyant and will keep their head above the water if they get tired swimming.  This can happen very easily if they get overwhelmed by a wave for example.

Fido Float Dog Life Jacket Size

Premier Fido Float Dog Life Vest, Medium, Orange

There are handles on the sides of this life jacket that make it easy to simply scoop your dog from the water especially if you are out on the lake in a boat.

Most dogs can swim very well, I know ours would always be in the water with the kids and be constantly trying to round them up, but they do get tired swimming especially as they age.  You may be able to keep sight of them in the backyard pool, but at the beach it can be a different story.

We tend to make sure our kids are safe by wearing their life jackets and other floatation devices while in the lake or at the seaside, and we keep an ever watchful eye on them, but what about Fido?  They sometimes get silly with excitement and go chasing waves in the water or after that Frisbee that keeps being sent into the water, and all it takes is one big wave and a tired pooch, and Fido could be in trouble

If you like to take your dogs out in the boat with you, then for sure they needs their own jacket, and the dog Life jacket size medium, is a well-made, easy to clean, easy to put on and take off with the zipper on the dogs back style of jacket for a medium built pooch, and they last.

The zipper goes from collar to tail, and is easy to put on and take off.  Since it is lightweight, it might be easier to put this on before you arrive at the dock or beach as many dogs get so excited at the sight of water that they simply dart from the car and into the water leaving you holding the jacket!

Just make sure it is fully dry before putting away for the season, being nylon it tends to dry fast.  This will last a good long time.

Our dogs need to be kept safe too, and no matter what size yours is, or no matter how great a swimmer he or she is, they can get into trouble, and this can be heart breaking, having to jump in the lake looking for your family pet.

If you are ordering online or even if you are shopping in a camping or pet supply store, you need to measure your dog’s belly to make sure and get one that fits properly and won’t come off in the water.

You can get a Fido float Dog Life jacket size medium online at sites such as Amazon.  It is worth checking online as there can be more to choose from.  This is an affordable safety measure for your pooch!

Great Dog Life Vest for Your Pooch

Dog Life Vest - Fido Float Coat - Tiny 10" - 14" girth
Amazon Price: Buy Now
(price as of Aug 1, 2013) this is a great way to keep track of your pooch especially at the beach or boat dock. There is a handle on top to make it easier to scoop them up.