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The Need For Medical Dental And Other Health Care Services For A Canine

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Caring for a pet involves patience and time. And like human beings they have need for medical attention and care. Among these are medical care, dental care, optical care, dermatological care, preventive care and grooming cum personal care. For all these services, you will have to find a good veterinarian.

Pets are creatures that have the same needs as men. Dogs are among the most trusted pets. When cared for and treated well, these dogs become your best friend, ready to serve and die for you. Caring for a pet involves patience and time. And like human beings they have need for medical attention as well as dental care.

Medical care

Animals like humans are also affected by sickness. They can suffer ailments in their heart, liver, lungs and kidneys. The ailments can be serious and fatal. You bring your dog to a veterinary clinic where it will be diagnosed and treated by a veterinarian. Then, it would be prescribed the necessary medication, just as what is also done to humans. Serious illness may require surgery or blood transfusion. When this is the case, your pet needs confinement in an animal hospital.

Dental care

It is normal for dogs to have problems in their dental condition. There are veterinary clinics that conduct dental diagnosis and dental treatments. Unlike for human beings where there is a different dental clinic for teeth and gum problems the care for dog teeth is under the same veterinary service. The dogs suffer plaques and bad breath and these had to be treated. There are other dental conditions which when left untreated may cause loss of teeth. And you might find it highly sophisticated to find veterinarians doing root canal, dental surgeries and dental brace fittings to the dogs.

Optical care


Your dog can be susceptible to eye diseases such as retinal disorder, dry eyes, infected eyes, cataracts, eye swelling and glaucoma. When this is the problem of your canine friend, you will have to find veterinary clinics and hospitals that offer ophthalmology services.

Dermatological care

Some veterinary clinics offer dermatological and allergy treatments. It is inevitable that your pet suffers skin problems and correct cures must be given in order to prevent aggravated conditions.

Preventive care

Preventive medicine is another part of veterinary services. This is wellness care which also takes care of the different immunizations for the dog such as rabies, parvovirus and more. This will require that you bring your dog to the clinic for regular check-up. Vaccinations are very important to young dogs to prevent fatal diseases. This service also tends to advise you on the proper nutrition for the speedy growth of your puppy.

Grooming and personal care

There are veterinary clinics that offer grooming services. This will be nail or paw clipping as well as hair trimming. You would also be amazed to find out that there are also pedicure services for the dogs where nail polish is applied to their paws.

When finding the suitable animal clinic for your pet dog, check what services are rendered. If possible, you have to go to a hospital that offers all the different services.