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Dog Obedience Tips

27 13:48:31
Training a new dog or even one which has been part of your family for some time can be time consuming and frustrating at times to say the least, but in the end it's well worth the trouble and if you stick to it you will surely be satisfied with the results if you follow the techniques correctly. Here are several tips which will help things go much smoother and faster... plus reduce the frustration for both you and your dog, which is always a good thing when it comes to effective dog behaviour training!

Try conducting "play training" - this type of training is where the training tasks are made into fun games and your dog's natural excitement is used as motivation. This is a really simple yet effective technique and you should really try to include this in your obedience training routine as a must do. There are a lot of really good books available on this type of training which go into good detail on this subject in simple, easy to follow steps. Be careful though, as intelligent dogs can be stubborn, so you may have to outwit them, treats and praise will work wonders for your dog behaviour training.

While training your dog, you have to make him want to do what you want him to (which is obviously the key to any successful dog behaviour training!). However, this is nearly impossible unless it is made fun for the dog, because if your dog doesn't enjoy it then he/she will not want to do it in the first place and you will most likely just end up wasting both your time and your dog's.

Another key tip: almost all dogs love to play! You can make your dog the happiest in the land just by spending some time together, providing him with your undivided attention each day. Without this, your dog could feel ignored, bored, or think they're in trouble. When this happens your dog will be more likely to chew, tear things up, and not listen to you and this will be detrimental to any dog behaviour training progress that you have managed to achieve before and could throw it all out of the window.

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