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A Dogs Nutritional Diet

27 17:33:08
Dog's have a wonderful character, they are devoted to their owners and only want to show their affection, giving rise to the well deserved phrase, "a mans best friend". Equally as an owner you want to give them the best quality of life, this of course, like humans, is dependent on their diet, you get out what you put in. Dogs require certain nutritional elements in their diet and this is dependent on their age, size and breed

New dog owners are often concerned about their dog's nutrition and nutritional needs. Dogs may have different nutritional needs at different times in their lives; senior dogs will have different nutritional needs than a puppy. Now you may be thinking: "My dog is a puppy. What should I know about my dog's diet?" If you have a puppy, you will need to feed your dog small amounts several times a day. Very young puppies will need to be fed at least four times a day. By the time your dog reaches six months of age, he will probably only need to be fed twice a day. Your dog may still need to have frequent smaller meals throughout the day however. At nine month's of age, most dogs can get by with just one meal a day. Check with your veterinarian for more information.

Some dogs are actually allergic to wheat, corn, or food additives. If you notice that your dog is having some allergy like symptoms, you should take him to the veterinarian for a consultation. If your vet confirms that your dog has food allergies, you may need to feed you pet a special diet.

"What would my dog's diet be like then" you may wonder. There are many excellent dog foods out there that are made for dogs with allergies to corn, wheat, or dyes. In fact, many are available at the local grocery store. If you live in an area where your grocery store does not carry pet food, you may have to go to a pet food store to find the special dog food that you need for your dog's diet. Sometimes, you might have to purchase special food from your veterinarian. However, that is only in extreme cases. Chances are you will be able to find the perfect dog food for your pet with just a small amount of effort.

Of course, you may be tempted to feed your dog people food at times. Try your best to ignore your friend's whimpering and sad eyes and just stick to the dog food diet. Feeding a dog "people food" can cause stomach problems and weight problems for your pet. In addition, feeding your pet from the table is a bad habit that will be hard to stop once it has been started.

Some pet owners say that raising a dog is much like raising a child. Raising a pet requires time, effort, and taking some responsibility for that pet. However, the unconditional love and loyalty that you will receive in return is well worth the effort.