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Can Dogs Drink Coffee - Is Coffee Safe for your Dog?

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Coffee has caffeine that when ingested by dogs in large amounts can be toxic. There is no need to be alarmed when you see your dog sipping your unattended cup of coffee but if regularly consumes it in large amounts he is likely to become ill. It does not only contain chemicals that are potentially dangerous to canines, leaving your hot coffee unattended may burn his mouth too. So if you want to know can dogs drink coffee, better not give them even a sip because you never know even a small amount can trigger unwanted body reactions.

Approximately, a cup of it has a hundred milligrams of caffeine, a type of substance coming from the seeds of the plant used in making coffee called coffee beans. Methylxanthines is the substance found in it and like caffeine, they are also toxic to dogs when ingested in large amounts.

While it is unlikely your dog would want to drink upon a cup of coffee, if he has taken a lap or two of the drink, he could potentially burn his mouth or tongue. If on the other hand the coffee is not so warm, he may also suffer the effects of ingesting caffeine which include diarrhea, vomiting, panting and hyperactivity. A small amount of coffee sipped by your thirsty dog from your cup of morning coffee can also increase his blood pressure, heart rate and thirst level. In most cases, it can also cause frequent urination. The symptoms of caffeine poisoning normally appear one or two hours after your dog has ingested coffee.


While you don't have to worry when your dog takes a sip or two of it, if your dog drinks a great amount of even a cup of it, you should immediately call your vet for some help. Depending on the signs and symptoms your dog manifests and the amount of coffee he has lapped up, your vet will tell you to come to the office. Vets usually induce vomiting and administer intravenous fluids to help in clearing the caffeine from his system. They may also give some drugs to help in calming down his upset tummy or use deactivated charcoal in order to decontaminate the system. During the treatment, vets also check the mouth of your dog for minor burns.

Dogs that have ingested only a small amount of it can quickly recover without the lasting ill effects. But to ensure their safety, always keep your dogs away from your cup of coffee especially if you like drinking it and your dog is showing some interest about the drink. Additives such as sugar, milk and cream makes it even more attractive to pooches.

Even grounds ot it should be kept out of their sight because they also contain high amounts of caffeine. Do not let your dog go near areas of your home where you usually store your coffee or grounds. Most importantly, do not go near your dog when you are drinking coffee.