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Choosing The Right De-wormer For Your Dog

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There are at least five different worms that the dog owners should be aware of: Round worms, tapeworms, hookworms, heartworms and whip worms. This article is not designed as an intensive treaty on worms but rather an overview to get you started. Knowing something about worms and de-wormers will help keep you and your dog healthier. Each parasite has its own characteristics and requires special de-wormer that will kill the parasite. Consult your vet for more specifics.
There are many de-wormers on the market. It’s important to read the label because not all de-wormers treat all parasites. If you don’t know what parasites your dog has, take him or a fresh fecal sample to the vet and he will recommend a de-worming program for your dog.
Rounds worms (Ascarid) are the most common type of parasites found in pups. This parasite is two or three inches long, almost white and round in shape. Symptoms include pale mucous membranes, bloating after eating and poor appetite. If you are de -worming a puppy check on the de-wormer that you buy to make sure it is effective against round worms. Ascarids feed on digesting food in your dog’s stomach. They then penetrate the gut wall and pass vie the blood into the lungs. They can cause hepatitis, pneumonia, anemia and other problems for the dog.
Mosquitoes transmit heart worms. They are �silent killers’. The dog will show no signs of infection while the tiny microscopic microfilariae enter the body and travel through the dog’s arteries into the heart. It is only when they become adults that they clog your dog’s heart and lungs causing death. It is important to keep your dog away from mosquitos. Heartworms are transmitted when a mosquito which has fed on another infected dog bits your dog. Heartworms are fatal! Remember, there is no visible system �as in other worms- until they become mature. To diagnose heart worms, you will need to have your veterinarian administer a blood test. He will then prescribe what you need to Pet Dog Treats for heartworms.
Tapeworms are more common in mature dogs. Fleas are a source for tapeworms to enter the dog’s body. It is important to keep your dog flea free to minimize his exposure to tapeworms. Tape worms are flat, long worms that resemble pieces of ribbon. When infected, a dog is apt to be off feed, restless, sometimes irritable, and his eyes my appear dull. A common sign of infestation is butt dragging. (Your dog scooting his but along the floor) Check on your de-wormer to see if is effective against tapeworms.
Some types of hook worms attach to the dogs intestine and feed on the dog’s blood. Hook worms have small hooks in their mouths I with which they attach themselves to the lining of the intestines. They symptoms are similar to those produced by round worms. Intermittent diarrhea with blood y stools may be present. These worms also cause weight loss, pale color, black or tarry looking stools, weakness and anemia. Older dogs may have nervous disturbances when first infected. Remember for Pet Service to check your de-wormer to make sure it is effective against hook worms.
You should worm with a de-wormer at least twice a year. If you are de-worming a puppy, consult your vet as to when to start their treatment
It’s always a good idea to take a fecal sample to your vet. He will do a microscopic fecal count to let you know if your de-worming has been effective. This will help keep your dog and family safe and healthy!

Julee Wing
3653 Nicklesville Rd NE
Resaca, Ga 30735