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Important Owners Info On Irish Water Spaniel Dogs

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Important Owners Info On Irish Water Spaniel Dogs


Irish Water Spaniel dogs are easily recognized for their thick, liver-coloured curly coat as well as for their unique topknot of flowing curls. But, more than just giving the dog a distinguished look, this coat also provides the dog with a great deal of protection in all kinds of terrain. This dog has a medium-length, somewhat rectangular body and a finely chiselled, large head. He also has a medium-sized pair of almond-shaped eyes and a sizeable nose. His ears are long, with long coats of curls that are over two inches in length. Another feature that makes this dog unique-looking is its slick and smooth "rat tail." Considered as the tallest of all Spaniels, this dog can cover a lot of ground and is willing to hunt all day.

Irish Water Spaniel dogs are an intelligent, curious, and active lot. They are well-known for their humorous conduct, which is why they are often referred to as the clown of the Spaniels. Given proper training, these dogs can be great around children and other household pets, but they are often nervous and aloof in the presence of strangers. The inherent stubbornness and independence of these dogs can make training a little difficult, although these characteristics are somewhat offset by their high intelligence and natural desire to please. This dog is considered as an able watchdog and may even be a passable guard dog. What is important is that you begin training at an early age so you can look forward to having a well-behaved adult dog.

To keep the coat of Irish Water Spaniel dogs free from matting, you need to brush it two to three times each week. When you do this, remember to pay special attention to trimming the hair around his feet. These dogs shed very little or no hair at all, as any lost hair tends to get caught in their surly coat rather than fall of. And take note that daily walks or romps around a large field or yard are also essential parts of properly caring for Irish Water Spaniel dogs. This is important because these dogs are very active and you need to find a way to expend their excess energy. These dogs can also benefit greatly from a good swim, so you may want to bring your dog to the beach from time to time. This breed is prone to canine hip dysplasia, otitis externa, and distichiasis. You may want to discuss these possible health issues with your vet as early as possible.

If you do decide to get your very own Irish Water Spaniel dogs, then you should be most concerned about their bounciness, providing them with enough physical and mental stimulation each day, providing them with enough socialization, their independence, and the potential for animal aggression. Unless you keep your dog properly occupied and find ways of exhausting them each day, you just might find yourself having to contend with excessive barking and destructive chewing. Furthermore, you need to socialize your dog early and properly so they do not become too suspicious of strangers and new situations. Such suspiciousness can lead to biting. Finally, you have to show Irish Water Spaniel dogs early on that YOU are the boss, or they just might use their obstinacy on you and refuse to obey your commands.