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Can Dogs Eat Apples? Feeding your Dog with Nutritious Fruits

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It is not a good idea to feed dogs with table scraps but apples can actually be great for dogs and can offer lots of vitamins and nutrients. This only goes to show that not all human food is bad for dogs. In fact, there are many human foods that dogs can safely eat. So if are wondering, can dogs eat apples, yes they can. So do not deprive this health-giving and delicious fruit to your pooch.


Most dogs love apples. Dog owners need not to worry about giving apples as a treat for dogs because this fruit is healthy and nutritious at the same time. Apples contain vitamin K, calcium, pectin and Vitamin C. A small apple can contain 52 C.

If you are a new dog owner, say for example you just had your puppy for two months it is but natural to ask if your dog can eat fruits. Unlike cats, dogs can eat various fruits except grapes and raisins. One of the perfect fruits dogs can eat is apples. As long as it is sliced to bite-size pieces and the core is removed, you will not have any trouble feeding your dog with this fruit.

The seeds of apples contain cyanide which can be very dangerous especially for young dogs. Do not allow your dog to munch one whole apple because aside from the possibility of getting choked, they might also accidentally eat the seeds. The effects may be fatal but it can potentially harm them.

Dogs do not easily get tired of eating the same thing over again especially with fruits but it can be a good idea to provide a variety of what they are eating. There are so many things that you can do with apples if you truly want your dog to enjoy it.

Dog owners should know that there are a lot of different ways to feed apple to dogs. It can be served as frozen slice. In addition, you can make apple pops with apple sauce. Sometimes you can serve the fruit grated as a dinner topping.

How ever you serve the apple, just make sure you avoid large amounts of stems and seeds in fresh apples because as said earlier, they contain cyanogenic glycosides that may cause tummy upset as well as other serious problems most especially when consumed in large amounts. Moreover, you have to be extra cautious about feeding your dog with dehydrated apples. This variety may contain all the nutrients of the hydrated ones but essentially, they do not contain water so you should feed only tiny bits of dry apples to prevent stomach upset.

Apples are just among those fruits that you can feed your dog. So do not worry about giving it to your dog as an occasional treat. You can give it to them to add variety to their diet and to make sure your dog is getting the right nutrients that it needs.