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Four Wonderful Science Fair Research Topics On The Behavior Of Animals

27 18:09:15
Many students may dread the idea of creating a science project, but you might actually have some fun if you decide to select a main topic you are interested in. In case you love animals, why not create a science project which focuses the beheaviors of animals? There are numerous science fair research ideas which focus on the behaviors of animals, and below are some you can employ:

Behaviors of different insects

You can find various insect behaviors which you might see for your own science project. In terms of ants, try observing how they're affected by temperature or what type of food sizes they choose. You could also observe how ants behave to threats. Consider investigating the sense of movement of cockroaches. For mosquitoes, consider what kinds of insect repellants are most suitable against them and also investigate what attracts them to people as well as animals. See if a the ability of spider to spin webs may be affected by alcohol and caffeine. Conduct an investigation on the migration of monarch butterflies or try to find out the several stimuli which may cause crickets to chirp.

Behaviors of domesticated animals

You don't need to go out of the house to search for an animal subject for your science project in case you have any type of pets at house. Consider research projects that involve them to make it more comfortable for you. If you posses a kitten, you might experiment with what kinds of audio they are most responsive to. For dogs, examine how well they can recall things. You could also make comparison on the behaviors of several breeds of dogs so you can see which behaviors seem to be genetic. If you posses both dogs and cats at home, you might try to make comparison on the differences between them like which can see better in the dark space or which maybe more responsive to audio. You may also see if different times of the day has the effect on the potential of a mouse to run through a maze.

Animals' defense mechanism

The ways used by animals to protect them from predator and treats might also be an interesting subject matter. You can consider making your study at the spot near your house that have wild bird populations. Consider making a bird feeder in the venue and see if a species of bird may approach the feeder even if there are other birds present. You could try to put a bird bath near the feeder and see if there is change in the quantity of birds that gather in the area. You can also know what the effects of artificial light are on the activity level of goldfish.

Food choices of animals

You could make research on what foods a particular type of animal selects. You may research on cardinals if you observe any near your location. Place different bird feeds and hold weekly monitoring to see which kind of feed draw cardinals the most. In case you own a cat in your house, you could also try to differentiate what types of food your pet chooses.

In case you decide on a science project which needs more searching than experimentation, you can use local sources such as the zoo or you may interview a veterinarian.