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Neutered Male Cat Spraying: 5 Steps For Quick Resolution

27 12:16:16
Do you have a neutered male cat spraying all the time? Have you tried everything, but the spraying is still going on? If you answered yes to these questions here are 5 steps you can take towards solving this problem right now.

Male cats deal with stress and anxiety through spraying initially, but after a while it seems like it almost becomes a habit, long after any stress has gone away. It if was just caused by stress, you could remove that source and be done with it, but habits are much harder to break.

You should always have a male cat who is spraying checked out by the veterinarian first to rule out any possible medical causes of this behavior.

1. Identify

Try and identify the times of the day, circumstances, and areas that he sprays and see if there are any patterns you can pick up on and identify.

2. Clean

Clean the areas that he sprays with an enzymatic cleaner so there is no lingering smell (no further reward for him doing this behavior.)

3. Space

If he has his own space can you give him another litter box, or a bigger one? Although not directly related to spraying, sometimes changing the litter box situation can help a lot.

4. Pheromones

There are some cat pheromones on the market some people have used with great success. This can really help calm the cat down if it is due to stress, and is worth a last try.

5. Attention

Try to give more attention to him around the times that he does spray (before he does it if possible.) If he is busy getting attention or being active he might not feel the need to spray as much. Also if possible try and keep the same routine for him everyday, which might help calm him down.

Overall, it is important to at least figure out where and when he sprays the most, then your treatment plan can be the most effective.