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Things To Buy When Adopting A Pet

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Deciding to adopt a pet is an exciting time for both children and adults. Companion animals have a lot of benefits, which might include friendship, protection and responsibility. Everyone has different reasons for adopting a pet, but the same is true for all pets: you are taking on an additional responsibility. There are things you need to do and to purchase in order to make your pet's life with you happy and healthy. Whether it is dog toys or aquarium supplies, you need to take your responsibility seriously and do whatever you can to make the transition in your home from non-pet friendly to pet friendly go smoothly. This sets a good example for kids and welcomes the pet into your home in a comforting way.

In some cases, your pet will need to be trained. This is mostly the case with dogs, but some pet owners try to train cats and rabbits, especially when it comes to using a litter box. If you are trying to train a puppy, you will need a leash, puppy training pads and plenty of rewards. Rewards are usually treats the puppy gets to eat when he does something correctly, but some people reinforce the treat with something called a clicker. This is a small device that makes a sound following a good behavior and the pet associates the sound with positive reinforcement.

Your pet is going to need a place to sleep. In many cases, pets sleep in their owner's bed. Dog trainers will tell you this is a mistake, but some people are comforted by the feeling of their dog or cat sleeping with them. Even if you let your pet into your bed at night, they still need a place of their own. Pet spaces include crates, if you are crate training, pillows or a part of the room where your pet's toys are stored. It gives them a safe place and gives you a place to send your pet if he misbehaves.

Your pet will need plenty of food. If you have adopted a puppy or kitten, be sure to choose food specifically designed for baby pets. Their bodies require different nutrients than full-grown animals. Hopefully your pet is full weaned from its mother when you adopt it, but if a stray finds its way to your home and it is just a few weeks old, you might need to take responsibility for feeding it from a bottle. This should only last a couple of weeks at the most and then you can transition your pet to normal eating methods. Speak with a veterinarian about feeding an animal that has not been weaned if you find yourself in this position.

Finally, consider purchasing a manual that helps you learn about what your pet needs. There are guide books for all breeds of dogs and cats and they help you bond with your pet. Books help you learn about pet health, pet behavior and the physical characteristics of your new pet early in your relationship so things go smoothly.